Abuse :Chapter 5

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The back of my throat burned as I climbed back up the tree and into my room window. The house was silent, almost too silent when was interrupted by a loud shout. "WHERE IS SHE!?!?" The monster bellowed shaking the house with his words. The hairs on my arm stood and my spine straightens in fear. With the back of my sleeve I wipe away the last of my tears and tiptoe out my room. I quickly rush to Leela's room, seeing she wasn't in. Oh no.

I hear another of his bellows "TALK TO ME." Sobs filled and echoed the hallway. My head snapped towards the stairs and I sprited down them to with one thing on my mind. To help them.

I walk into the living room shaking with fear. A long, metal knife was held at my mothers neck. Leela was on the floor clutching her stomach from taking brutal hits. My breath hitches when his head turn around to see me stood there taking it all in. 

"Well, look who decided to show up.." His smirk makes me grimace. He drops my mum and ambley walks towards to me. "Where were you sweetheart?" 

My throat was closed, I couldn't even breath normally let alone speak. He lifts up his hand to cup my chin, pushing it up to I can see how close he is to me. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol lingers around me makes me silently throw up in my mouth. 

"WHERE WERE YOU?" His words shook me enough to start crying. A shiver run down my spine not in a good way. "I went out for a bit" I replied quietly but loud enough for him to hear. The tip of his knife graze against my cheek. "And where was that?" He crooks his head to the side.

"I just went for a walk." I say looking straight in his blue eyes I inherited. 

He quietly chuckles but anger flashes across his eyes "You fucking slut" He punched me causing me to fall on the ground. "You"Kick. "Useless"Kick. "Piece" Kick. "Of" Kick. "shit" Collecting his saliva he spat on me.

There is one thing I learnt.

 Abusers never change, They only get worse. They try to lure you back with promises. They are the same bad person as before, just with a new shiny coating.  

Bullied by Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now