Chaper 23: She Returns.

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I woke up to the sound of my dad.

"I'm home!!" My dad screamed.

I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs. I ran to him and jumped on him. I hugged him and smiled.

"I missed you so much dad." I said, still hugging him.

"I missed you too pumpkin." He replied, hugging me back.

We let go of each other and I ran back upstairs. That was a workout. I quickly got ready and ran back downstairs. I wore full black but a gray jacket. I grabbed an apple and said goodbye to my dad. I grabbed my skateboard and walked outside. I put the skateboard down and positioned my feet.

I skated and looked at my surroundings. The sky was cloudy, but there was sun. I kept on skating and reached the school. I saw Jayden smiling at me. I stopped skating, picked up my skateboard and ran towards him.

"How you doing Peter Pan?" I asked him, holding his hand.

"Great, how about you?" He replied, holding my hand and walking towards the double doors.

"Same." I said, following him.

As we kept on walking, Jayden suddenly stopped. Not only stopped, he froze. Legitimately froze. I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes and he unfroze.

"What happened?" I asked.

Before he could reply, I heard a girl voice.

"Oh my god Jayden! Is that you?!" A girl said, walking towards us.

She was plain beautiful. Her hair was brunette, flowing. Her eyes were ocean blue, her teeth was plain white. She had dimples right in the perfect places. Compare her to me, I'm honestly nothing.

"Hi.. Makayla.." He said.

"Oh my god it is you! Why haven't you texted me? Aren't we still together?" She replied, cheekily.

Once she said "together" I walked away.

How could he do this? How?

"Babe wait!" Jayden called out for me.

"Dont babe me. Your cheating on me arent you?" I said.

"Im not! Makayla's my.. ex." Jayden replied.

"Im so sorry for not understanding." I said, hugging him.

"Its okay." He replied, holding me tightly.

"Eh Ehm." I heard Makayla say.

We both split apart.

"What's going on here?" She said, pointing to us.

"Makayla, meet Noelle. She's my girlfriend." Jayden said, pulling me close.

"I thought we were together." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Bitch you thought.

"After you pretty much had sex with my best friend, we were done. Forever." Jayden pointed out.

"Oh. Can we at least be friends?" She asked, smiling.

"Sure. Nothing more than friends though." He replied.

She cheekily smiled and walked away.

Why is she not as mean as Brianna?



I sat at the table with the guys and the girls. The girls sat on the guys lap, as usual. I didn't want to sit on Jayden's lap though, so we just held hands under the table.

"Guys, Makayla's back." Jayden said.

"Fuck." They all replied.

"What's so wrong about her? She's beautiful." The girls all said together.

Jayden's eyes turned dark. His eyes filled with anger and madness.

"She had sex with his ex best friend." Clark said.

Jayden's hands tightened on my hand. I slightly winced at the pain.

"What's wrong?" Jayden asked, concern.

I looked down and so did he.

"Shit I'm so sorry." Jayden replied, bringing my hand up and kissing it.

"It's alright." I said, rubbing my hand.

Makayla came walking towards the table. She looked at everyone and smiled. I guess she couldn't find a seat. She looked at the girl's on the boy's lap.

And she sat on Jayden's lap.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." I quickly said, getting up from the table.

"I'll come with." Hannah replied, walking with me.

Once we got out of the lunchroom, I screamed.

"THAT BITCH!" I screamed.

"Don't hurt yourself tiger." Hannah said, grabbing my arms.

"I can't believe she fucking sat on Jayden's fucking lap." I replied, anger boiling in me.

"Calm down. Breath in and out." Hannah ordered me to do.

I breathed in deeply. Trying to calm down myself. About 1 minute later I started talking.

"She has no idea what she's just unleashed." I said.


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