Chapter 26: A Visit.

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I sat down in front of his grave.

"I know you can't hear me Brent. But I miss you. I miss your smiles, laughs, and everything. I wish you wanted the treatments, but I know you didn't and I respect that. Right now I feel so dumb. I was dating Jayden Evans, the schools player. I know he couldn't stay solid with me because I mean he's a player. His ex came into town and he broke up with me. He's with his ex. And I feel heartbroken, and just broken to be honest. Jayden used to say 'Everything that's broken can be fixed' and I believed in him. He just broke me and left me in pieces like everyone else did. I know you won't hear this, but I love you Brent." I said, crying.

I kept crying as the sun went down. I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my cuts.

"I'm weak." I weakly said.

"You're not." Someone replied, wrapping their arms around me.

I turned around, hoping to see Jayden. But I saw Clark.

"I am.." I said.

"No your not, I promise your not." He replied, sitting down with me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, changing the subject.

"My dad died. He was in the army. I visit him everyday, afterschool." He replied, sounding sad.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"My brother Brent died from cancer. I haven't visited him in a while. And right now I feel so dumb." I replied, tears falling out once more.

"Why do you feel dumb?" He asked.

"Jayden and Makayla." I replied, looking away.

"Oh.." He replied.

"I'm gonna go." I said, getting up.

"Okay, bye." He replied, giving me one last hug.



*Jayden's POV*

I know that Noelle was breaking. I knew she was. It's just Makayla threatened me to date her or else she'll tell everyone about my parents divorcing. I have no fucking idea how she found out, but she did.

*Noelle's POV*

I woke up this morning, my eyes red. I quickly got ready and put makeup on, trying to cover my sad face. I walked downstairs, grabbed an apple, grabbed my skateboard, said bye to my dad, and walked outside.

I placed down my skateboard, positioned my feet, and skated off. I stopped a bit, pulled out my phone and my earphones, plugged in my earphones and played Tøp. I put the volume high, trying to ignore the world. I kept skating until I reached the school.

I stopped and picked up my skateboard. I quickly walked to the classroom and sat in my seat. Alex was already there, but he seemed busy. Zach wasn't there, maybe he was absent.

I looked around the room and saw Jayden sitting with Makayla. He looked at me and smiled. I faked a smile and pulled out a notebook. I got a pencil out and started drawing.

I kept on drawing, not caring what I was. My hand stopped moving and I looked at the picture. It was a heart in 2. I knew what that meant, I ripped the paper and shoved it in my backpack.



My friends and I (including Jayden) walked towards the lunchroom. We all got our lunch and sat down. Of course I sat on no ones lap. But the girls did their normal routine. Makayla soon caught up with us and sat on Jayden's lap.

She kissed him and he kissed her. I mentally barfed. My heart broke into pieces once again. I've never felt so broken, I feel more broken than ever.

"So Noelle, what do you think about Jayden and I together?" Makayla asked.

I knew what she was doing.

"I think it's a great idea. You guys are a perfect match." I replied, smiling. A real smile because I knew she would be shocked.

"Yeah I know right, thanks." She said, kissing Jayden again.

He looked at me real quick before Makayla placed her lips on me. His eyes were filled with confusion.


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