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"Luke, you can't even control your thirst. How do you expect me to trust you out in the city on your own." Calum said grabbing his car keys. 

"Please. I promise I'll behave." I pouted hoping my brother would let me go with him. 

Well Calum isn't exactly my blood brother, but the person who changed me changed him too. 

"Fine. Just don't lose it when you see a cute guys walking past you." Calum hissed at me. 


I took a deep breath. The night was young and the smell of blood was fresh. I bumped into someone right when I opened my eyes again. He's beautiful. hazel eyes, muscles for days. 

"I'm sorry." He smiled and walked on. 

I have to have him. He has to be mine. I followed behind him quietly. I stopped a few feet away from him. He was meeting up with a guy. A blue haired guys with a eyebrow piercing. I got jealous for some reason. I don't even know this guy yet..I'm jealous. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I found Calum sucking on some guys neck. 

"Cal, can we go home now." I asked feeling kinda bummed out. 

"You need to eat, I can sense that you haven't ate yet. Go find someone, put them in a trance and feed." Calum growled. 

I nodded and snatched up the next good looking guy I saw. I drank until I was full. 

"You will remember nothing." I hissed. 

The guy left. I sighed and walked back to Calum. I had to focus on his voice to find him. I walked into this bar and Calum was talking with the blue haired guy. His friend was just sitting quietly drinking alone. I walked up and got myself a beer. 

"Cal, can we go home now." I grumbled. 

"Enough the night Luke." Calum smiled. 

"It's shitty night. Why would I enjoy it." I hissed at him. 

"You can say that again." I looked to see the hottie looking at me. 

I smiled and he smiled back. 

"I never got to say sorry to you about earlier." I mumbled. 

"It's fine." He smiled at me. "Really, we both weren't paying attention." 

"Yeah." I laughed. "I just love the night time." 

"Same, although I don't go out much at night. Michael here begged me too." He took a sip of his beer. 

I looked over him and my eyes landed on his neck. I could see his veins pumping the blood. I took a deep breathe, his blood smelled good. I felt my fangs wanting and needing to sink inside his neck. 

"Maybe we should leave. We'll see you guys around." Calum walked me out. "Let it out, Luke." 

My fangs sprang out with pain and hunger. I ran finding me someone to bite into. After my thirst was fulfilled me and Calum went home. I couldn't sleep, that boy was on my mind. I sat on my bed and took out my sketch book. I drew his face with every detail. I decided to get some sleep.


First chapter. What do you guys think? 

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