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I stared at Ashton and the others. I quickly got up and ran out the room, I had to get away. Get away from everything. As I was running I noticed that I was crying. I stopped and leaned up against a tree. I took deep breathes and closes my eyes. I was Ashton looking at the boys with tears in his eyes. 

"What happened to him?" Ashton said. 

Calum took a deep breath. "His ex, committed suicide because Luke didn't love him anymore." 

Ashton just stood there not saying anything. I opened my eyes surrounded by growling wolves. I held up my hands in surrender. The alpha nodded his head and turned away. I let out a breathe of relief. I walked back home. As I got closer to my house I froze. 

"Magnus." I gritted. 

"Awe, Luke why so sour." He flashed in front of me. 

I hissed as he placed his hands on my chest. I grabbed both of his hands by his wrists. 

"Oo, you like it rough." He smirked. 

"Leave me alone, Magnus. I don't like you never had...Stop obsessing over me." I gritted. 

"Awe, but babe...I hard you were back in the market...y'know since Eric died." He laughed. 

I grabbed him by his neck and pinned him against the tree, my fangs sprang out. 

"Luke! Let him go!" I heard Calum shout. 

I released Magnus and he ran. I turned and stared at Calum, his brown eyes deepen and I gave in letting him win. 

"Let's go home." Calum sighed. 

I sighed and we walked home. I opened the door and Ashton ran to me hugging me tight. I felt warm inside. I hugged him back resting my head on his shoulder. 

"It's not your fault, you only told him the truth...he was probably messed up in the head anyways." Michael said. 

"You're not helping Mikey." Ashton mumbled. 

"It's fine...I'm going to go to my room now." I sighed walking up the stairs. 

I opened my door and stared. All the memories of what happened came rushing back to me. I took in a deep and walked into my room, I took a hot shower, got dressed in nothing but sweatpants and laid down in my bed. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep only to wake up from having a nightmare once again. I opened my eyes and Ashton was standing in the door way. I swallowed the lump in my throat. 

"I heard you scream...Michael and Calum went out, I stayed because I didn't want to be a third wheel." Ashton spoke shyly. 

"It's fine." I got and grabbed a shirt near me. 

Ashton followed me out my room. I went into the kitchen, making sure Ashton wasn't near I poured me a glass over blood and mixed it with vodka. I down it and made a glass with just plain blood and down that. Making a sandwich Ashton walked in. 

"I want to talk to you, about vampires...I just want to learn more about them." Ashton mumbled. 

"Well, some are nice and some are evil. The evil ones are the ones that turn off their emotions and kill humans for blood..the nice ones are totally opposite. Well, some good one drink human blood but don't kill them." I said. 

Ashton just stared at me. 

"They're also sometimes cold to the touch." I said before biting into my sandwich. 

"Is the blood still inside me?" Ashton asked. 

"No." I responded chewing.  "Wanna watch a movie?" 

I walked out and up to my room. Ashton followed slowly behind me. I sat down as he walked in. I could tell he was shy. 


I hope you guys like it!! Still kinda sick which sucks. I'll be writing a Luke Hemmings fanfic soon so stay around for that!! 


Love you lots :)   

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