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I stood there in shock as Ashton ran into the spare bedroom. I looked at Calum how you had Go-Fix-It look on his face. I sighed and went to into the spare bedroom. 

"Get out." Ashton sniffed. 

Michael walked into the room and yanked me back, he punched me in the face. 

"Bitch." I punched me back and left the room. 

I went to my room showered and got dressed. I jogged down stairs and headed out the door. 

"Luke wait." I stopped at the door by Ashton's voice. 

There was so much hurt in his voice my heart sunk down to my stomach. I turned to face him. 

"I don't know why I feel so hurt, we're not even going out or anything like that. But he's your ex....you shouldn't go around..." I stopped him. 

"I was drunk and hurt, I need some kind of comfort." I sighed. 

"And you don't think that I was hurt. I watched you dance with those guys kissing on their necks and shit!" I stared at Ashton as tears fell from his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Ashton...I'm not good for you...." I quickly opened the door and ran out. 


I was sitting in a coffee shop when my phone rang. I looked down to see Calum's name. I hissed as I answered it. 

[Where the fuck are you!?] 

{At the coffee shop drinking coffee.} 

[You left Ashton here crying, and Michael is going off!] 

{I'm not good enough for him. He deserves better than me Cal...Bye} 

I hung up and sighed. I'll bring bad things into his life. I can't see Ashton getting hurt because of me...Even though I'm already hurting him. I sat there for a few more minutes before leaving. I got up and bumped into someone. 

"Sorry, dude...Werewolf." I hissed as the guy made a low growl. 

I moved and left quickly. Calum told me to never start anything with werewolves. When I got home it was noon time, I was hungry but not for blood, you see we can eat human food but not that much of it or we'll get sick. 

"You bitch!" Michael tackled me to the ground. 

I throw kicked him in the stomach and pinned him on the ground. It took everything in my blood not to bite him. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I stopped when I saw Ashton, he looked like shit. 

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. 

Ashton walked out the kitchen pushing pass me. I sighed knowing I messed up big time. Made me sandwich and went to my room. After I finished eating I went back down stairs to get me something to drink. 

"I hate you." Calum flat out said. 

"Why?" I asked crossing my arms. 

"Ashton, left and Michael was so upset that you hurt his best friend that he left too." Calum hissed. 

"Sorry dude." I sighed and walked into the kitchen. 

I stopped feeling a sharp pain in my wrist. I held it tight and screamed out in pain. I shut my eyes tight see Ashton cutting his wrist and crying. I heard the words 'I'm not good enough for him' 

"What!" Calum came running into the kitchen. 

"Ashton, I need to get to him." I was out of breathe. 

"You connected with him! Yet, you don't want him!" Calum slapped me. 

"I deserved that." I sighed leaving to find Ashton. 


I hope you guys like this!! How many chapters so I do? Comment below how many? 

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Sorry this is a late update.  

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