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Michael was behind Calum. I sent Michael up to the room with Ashton. 

"We didn't come to cause trouble. We came to make a truce." He spoke loud and clearly. "You are not aloud on our land. We are not allow on your land. But if we see in public and you piss us off we will attack." 

"So like if we were in a coffee line and I just happen to cut you in line...That kind of piss you off?" I laughed. 

"Don't push it Hemmings." The alpha gritted. 

"Push what. I don't see any buttons around here." I laughed and Calum hit me in the chest. 

"What the fuck." I coughed. 

"Fucking stop!" Calum hissed. 

"Fine." I throw my hands up and walked into the kitchen getting me and Ashton something to eat and drink. 

I walked out the kitchen and wolves were gone. Calum was spraying air freshener around the house. I coughed and laughed. 

I walked up into my room to find Michael holding Ashton. He was crying. 

"What's going here?" I asked. 

"Luke!" Ashton sprang up and ran to me. 

I stumbled holding the food and drinks. I placed the it down on my desk and hugged him back. I rubbed little circles on his back. 

"I'm going to go now...Calum!" Michael ran to Calum. 

Ashton and I ate and cuddled watching a movie. That was until Calum and Michael decided to get dirty and all we heard was loud moans and name shouting. I took Ashton to on of my favorite calming place. It has a beautiful view of evening sky view. Ashton and I rested against the tree. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. 

"Ashton. I have a question for you?" I looked down at him. 

"Yeah. What is it?" He looked at me. 

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I smiled. 

"Yes!" He jumped onto my lap kissing all over my face. 

I held his face and smashed my lips against his. I ran my tongue across his bottom lip as he opened his mouth to me. Our tongues fought until he gave him. I moans as he started to grind on me. I moved to his neck kissing and sucking. He pulled away from me.

"I can you you wanna bite me." Ashton said. "Why though?" 

"Because I want you to be mine." I mumbled. 

"Why didn't you just bite me when I was sleeping." He said. 

"Because, it's just wrong. Yeah, I really want to taste your blood but I'm not going to until you are ready." I said kissing him lightly. 

"Do it." He said. 

My eyes widen. I shook my head and looked down. 

"Not here." I stood up holding him in my arms. 

He wrapped his legs around my waist and he did the same with his arms around my neck. 

"I'm going to make love to you." I whispered into his ear. 

"Oh God, Please do." Ashton mumbled. 

When we got to my house. It was silent. I checked on Michael and Calum who were sound asleep in Calum's bed. I smiled and went to my room were Ashton was already taking off his shirt. 


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~Love you guys~ 

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