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I got up and got dressed, putting on my black leather jacket. I left quickly hiding my anger as I did. I drove into town and walked around to different places. 

"Shit, I'm sorry." I helped the guy pick up his stuff. 

"It's cool, I should've been paying more attention to walked instead of in my phone." He said. 

I looked up and saw a brown haired with blond highlights quiff haired guy. My eyes widen and I swallowed the hard lump in my throat. He smiled and I could tell her was a vamp. Only us vamps keep our teeth that white. 

"You're on of us." He smiled. 

"That I am." I smiled. 

"Come walk with me." He motioned and I followed. 

We walked around until I spotted Ashton. He was alone. I looked away right when he saw me. I could feel his sadness towards seeing me with another guy. 

"Luke!" I turned to see Ashton heading my way. 

I looked at the guy next to me. I don't even know his name. Wow. When Ashton walked up I hugged him tight. 

"Hey." I smiled. 

"Who's this." The guy said. 

"This is Ashton, my I wanna more than friends with but I don't feel like I'm good enough for him friend." I said fast. 

"Ah, well Ashton. I'm Zayn." He smiled. 

"I don't like you." Ashton looked at me and walked away. 

I looked at Zayn then back at Ashton. I gave Zayn a sorry look and ran after Ashton. 

"Ashton. Ashton stop." I grabbed his arm and pulled to me. "Can you stop running from me." 

"Why were you with him! Do you not care about how I feel. What about me Luke!" Ashton shouted making a scene. 

"Stop, okay. Ashton I do care about you. Zayn is just a friend, nothing more. I rarely talk to him." I said cupping Ashton's cheek. 

"You mean it?" He asked me. 

"Yes. He's nothing but a friend...You're the only one I want but I just feel like I'm not good enough for you." I sighed. 

"Luke, you're more than good enough for me. You're what I need." Those words rolled off his lips softly. 

I looked at him with a smile. "Wanna go see a movie with me tonight." 

"Yes." Ashton smiled back. 


Me and Ashton saw two movies. We out to dinner than left to my house. I walked in to find Calum and Michael making out on the couch. 

"Whoa! Sorry...We're just passing through." I laughed taking Ashton's hand leading him to my room. 

"Cuddle and talk?" I smiled at Ashton. 

I laid down in my bed as Ashton slowly walked over and laid down. I smiled and pulled him close to me. 

"Don't be shy to cuddle with me." I whispered into his ear. 

Ashton moved closer to me and I wrapped my arms around him. I took in a deep and took in his scent. 

"You smell nice." I mumbled. 

"So do you." Ashton yawned. 

"Sleep, Ash." I kissed the back of his neck and froze. 

My breathing got heavy and my fangs ached for his blood. I made a vow that I will not bite him. I sent Calum a message saying help me. 

"Luke, I need to talk to you." I let out a sigh and got up. 

We walked into the kitchen where I downed down a few bags of blood. Once I was good Calum patted me on the back and we walked out the kitchen. 

"Don't forget to use a condom, mate." I laughed and jogged up stairs cuddling back up with Ashton, where I feel asleep. 


It's finally here. I finally updated. I hope you guys enjoy it :) 

Comment/Vote :) 

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