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For some odd reason I laughed at his threat. Calum looked at me like I was crazy. I mean I am. Crazy in love with Ashton. I'll do anything to protect him even if it causes me my life. 

"Luke, this isn't funny." Calum hissed. 

"I know but I can't help it." I laughed even harder. 

"Your boy toy is the first to go Hemiings." He smirked. 

"If you touch him. I'll kill you. I don't care if it's against the vampire law. I'll rip your fucking heart out." I hissed. 

"You're so lucky I can't get in. But when I find a way I'm going to kill you little boy toys." He laughed. 

"Why are you doing this." Ashton spoke. 

"They put me away. I vowed that once I get out I'll hunt them down and torture them like they did too me" With that he vanished. 

I turned to Ashton with a why look on his face. Ashton gave him a small smiled. 

"Never do that again." Luke gritted leaving to broad up the window. 

"I'm sorry." Ashton mumbled walked to the room.   


I hated making Ashton upset so I went to go talk to him. When I got into our room Ashton wasn't in it. I looked in the bathroom and everywhere in the room. My phone and I quickly picked it up. 

"If you want your little boy toy you have to find him." He laughed and hung up. 

I screamed and fell to my knees. Calum and Michael ran into my room. Calum picked me up. 

"Right now is not the time to break down and cry. We have to find Ashton. Focus on him Luke." Calum said. 

I close my eyes and saw the same place place were Calum and I woke up the night we were attacked. I opened my eyes knowing they were a deep blue. Calum nodded his head and we all left. We had no choice but to take Michael. Calum didn't want him out of his sight. I kicked down the door once we got there. Ashton was tied to a chairs. I ran to him thinking I was going to untie him but the ropes were covered in vervain. I screamed as my hands slowly healed. Michael rushed over to Ashton untying him. Calum picked Ashton as we were on our out, because I was still weak from the vervain. I was attacked from behind and knocked to the ground. I woke up tied to a bed. I looked over to see Michael and Ashton tied down and Calum tied to another bed next to me. 


Oops. Cliffhanger, Hope you guys are enjoying it. (sorry fo the cliffhanger but my laptop is about to die) If you like it Share/Comment/Vote :) 

~Love You All~   

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