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I woke up to Ashton coughing. I moved to him and patted his back. 

"Are you okay, Ash." I mumbled. 

"Yeah. I just have a cough." Ashton said moving me so he can lay back down. 

We fell back asleep and woke up to Michael screaming. Ashton jumped up and I rolled off the bed. 

"You have to be fucking kidding me! I'm going to kill you Michael." I hissed. 

"You mean suck all my blood out my veins." He laughed. 

I looked at Ashton who look horrified. I stood holding my hands up. 

"I can explain, Ash." My voice cracked from trying to not to cry. 

"Your a vampire." He stepped back from me. "Michael. We're leaving." Ashton said moving past Michael. 

"No. I'm in love with a vamp. He's good in bed and loves me back so you're the only one leaving." Michael mumbled. 

"Our friendship is over." Ashton ran out the door. 

I feel to the ground in tears. I pulled my needs up to my chest wrapped my arms around myself. Calum walked in shirtless. I looked up at him my. 

"No. No. Luke you can't." Calum ran to me in tears. "Don't cut off your emotions." 

I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and wrapped me into arms. 

"If you cut off your emotions then you won't be yourself..." Calum chocked on the words. 

"I'm nothing without him." I cried. 

"Luke, I'm so sorry." Michael spoke softly. 

"What's done is done...He was going to find out soon." I stood and walked out. 

"DON'T LUKE." Were the blurred words I heard before I ran off. 

I stopped and closed my eyes sensing Ashton in trouble. He was at his mothers grave crying and vampires were creeping up on him. The leader was Magnus. I called out for Calum to meet there. I ran as fast as I could. I looked as Magnus was running to Ashton and I took off tackling Magnus to the ground. I grabbed Ashton and pulled him behind me. 

"You. Will. Not. Touch. Him." I hissed. 

I turned to Ashton and he stepped back. 

"I'm still the same guy you cuddled with but just with fangs. I know how Eric feels now. I might as well rip my heart out if you walk away from me Ash." I took in a deep breath. 

"Don't. I just need time." He turned and looked down at his mothers tombstone. 

"She was killed by a vampire." I asked knowing it was true. 

He nodded and walked away with his head down. I stay a few steps behind him making sure nothing happened to him. I walked around and it started to rain. I didn't know where I was walking until I took in a deep breath. I froze and turned around. 

"Luke. You're on our land." I turned and saw Bryan. 

"Yeah, I know and I'll be going right now." I eyed the alpha wolf. 

"No. You had a warning." He snapped his fingers and his claws came out. 

"So this is how it's going to be. A fight." I hissed as my fangs sprang out. 

It all happened to fast. He pounced on me and I throw him into a tree. 


SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!! It's here now and I hope you guys love it. 

Will Ashton go back to him? Will Luke die? Or Will Luke turn into a hybrid?   

Comment/Vote :)  

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