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"Do you think it's him?" Calum asked. 

"I hope not. I don't want to have to fight him." I sighed. 

"What if he goes after Ashton." Calum looked at Ashton. 

"He won't because Ashton is mine." I smiled. 

"You bit him?!" Calum said grabbing Ashton looking at his neck. 

"Yes." I smiled at the memories. 

"Did he taste good?" Michael laughed. 

"Very. But I won't do it again." I mumbled. 

"Says the one was bites every time we have sex." Ashton got up and went to the kitchen. 

"Whoa. Kinky much." Michael smirked. 

"So you haven't bitten Michael yet. Calum if that is who we think it is you have to bit him." I ran my hands through my hair. 

"Who is it, babe?" Ashton wrapped his arms around me resting his head on my back. 

Butterflies were unleashed. I love it when he hugs me from behind. I hissed as he kissed my back. 

"Okayy. He's the guy who attached me and Calum. I think he's back." I pulled Ashton in front of me. 

"I'm going to kill him." Ashton cursed. 

"No. You will not go anywhere near him." I hissed. 

The thought of Ashton getting bite by him pissed me off. I wrapped my arms around him pulling me close. He smiled at my actions as he rested his head on my chest. 

"How are we going to plane to protect Michael and Ashton?" Calum sat down frustrated. 

"We'll come up with something. I'm not letting you out of my sight." I kissed Ashton on the forehead. 

"So does that mean, when I got to the bathroom you have to..." 

I laughed. "No, Ash. I think you are safe in the house. No vampire is allowed in unless they have permission...The lady who came over the day casts a spell for it." 

"Wow. She was a witch." Ashton looked shocked. 

"Yeah. She's a good friend of me and Cals." I smiled. 


They all stayed at Luke's and Ashton's house. Ashton was the first to fall asleep caused by Luke playing with hair. Luke pulled him close. His soft snores slowly put Luke to sleep. 

"Luke. Luke. Wake up." I heard Calum call my voice. 

I opened my eyes seeing. 

"What is it." I mumbled half asleep. 

"He's trying to get in." Calum whispered. 

"Ash. baby. Wake up." I shook Ashton until he woke up. 

"No. I'm too tired." He wined. 

"I'm sorry babe, but he's here. You have to get up." I kissed him waking him up for good. 

I pulled away as Ashton wanted more. 

"You're mean." He laughed. 

There was a loud crash and the wind poured through the window. I pulled Ashton behind me as Calum did the same with Michael. I went into fighting mode quickly. 

"I smell dinner." He laughed as he appeared in the window. "Now I can't get in. But when I do. You'll pay Hemmings and Hood." 


Oops. Lol leaving you with a cliffhanger for the time being. I might not update tomorrow I don't know yet. Comment/Vote/Share if you love my story so far! 

~Love You All~ 

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