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I woke up to sharp pain of hunger. My fangs were out and I smelled blood. I ran to the bathroom. My eyes were a deep blue. I kept my mouth shut and walked down stairs. I saw the two boys from last night. Calum was talking with them sipping his blood. I quickly walked into the kitchen and grabbed a pint of blood. I bite into the bag and drank quickly. We only drink from the bags during morning. I wiped my mouth and made myself a glass of water. I walked out and his hazel eyes were burning a hole in me. I looked down to see that I wasn't wearing a shirt, I was just in sweat pants that were riding low showing off my V line. I played with my lip ring nervously and went up to me room. I grabbed a random shirt and put it on. I went back down stairs and sat down. 

"Ashton, Michael. This is Luke." Calum smiled. "He's gay too." 

"Yeah.." I didn't exactly know what to say.  

"Well, I'm happy your into guys." Ashton smiled. 

"You're gay too." I asked. 

"Yes." He blushed. 

He's so fucking sexy. I looked over his body and my eyes landed on his neck. Just One Bite. I thought. I looked at Calum who had his eyes glued on me. I got and went to the kitchen. I took in a deep breath and chugged down on blood then beer. 

"Luke! Sarah is here." Calum shouted. "And she's still very pregnant." 

I walked back into the living room. Sarah looked like she was ready to drop. 

"Hey." I walked over to her giving her a forehead kiss. "Where's Christian?" 

"He's out with his brother right now." She smiled. 

"Awe, sucks." I laughed. 

"I told him to go spend time with his brother, ever since he found out I was pregnant he's been worrying about me and the baby." Sarah smiled taking a seat. "So how are my two favorite brothers." 

"We're good." Calum smiled. 

"Wait, you're all siblings?" Michael asked. 

"Not by blood but by adoption." I replied. 

"Yups, I'm the baby." Sarah smiled. 

"You're younger than me by months." Luke said. 

"Still the baby." Sarah smiled. "You guys wanna see something weird." 

We didn't get a chance to answer. Sarah lifted up her shirt and poked her stomach. Right as she did that a foot poked back. 

"That doesn't hurt?" Ashton asked. 

"Kinda." Sarah smiled, that smile faded when her eyes went to his neck. 

Back Off He's Mine! 

Sarah looked at me with wide eyes and a smile. She slowly stood up and went to the kitchen I followed her. 

"You have feelings for him. I knew it the moment I laid eyes on you." Sarah smiled opening the fridge. 

She got out a bag of blood and downed it. Along with another bag. I stared at her. She gave me the what look. 

"Didn't Chris say not to drink that, but only his blood until the baby is born." I asked. 

"Yes, but he's not here is he." Sarah sassed. 

"Christian is here!" Calum shouted. 

Sarah throw the bag to me and got some water. She smiled as her husband walked in. 

"Hey babe." She walked over to him. 

"She's been drinking bag blood." I laughed and walked out. 

"Luke! You fucking cunt!" Sarah shouted at me.  

I walked into the living room and looked around. 

"Hey, do you wanna go on a walk with me?" Ashton asked me. 

I smiled and nodded grabbing my coat. 


I'm so sorry this is a late update. I was going to update yesterday but I wanted to finish Dangerously In Love. I hope you guys enjoy this! 

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Also if you wanna be in this fanfic comment below!  

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