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I didn't know where Ashton lived so I followed the scent of his blood. I reached a little house, it wasn't big but it was nice. I knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. The opened to Michael. 

"You have some nerve to come over here." Michael spat. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I pushed passed him following Ashton scent. 

I reached his room and opened the door. He was balled up on the floor in tears and barely breathing. I picked him up and carried him down stairs. Michael froze and stared at me. 

"We can't take him to the hospital. They'll put him away for good." Michael cried. "I fucking hate you, it's your fault that he did this." Michael pointed to Ashton's wrists. 

"I know, I'm so fucking sorry. I never meant to hurt him. He just doesn't deserve someone like me." I sighed cradling Ashton's almost lifeless body to my chest. 

It was taking everything in power not to bite him. 

"I know what we can do, this might seem weird to you..but I know a guy." Michael sighed. "Ashton doesn't know about them, if he did he'd probably try to kill them." 

"What are you talking about?" I looked at him. 

"We have give Ashton vampire blood, it'll heal him." Michael said quickly. 

I don't know what it was but everything came out, I hissed at Michael my fangs came out and went deep blood. I held Ashton even closer to me. All this happened at the same time Calum walked in. 

"Shit, Luke how are we supposed to cover this one up." Calum ran his hand through his hair. 

"Wait, what are you standing there for SAVE HIM!" Michael cried out. 

"Calum, you know what we need." I mumbled looking at Ashton. 


"It'll take a while for him to heal...You have to lie and it wasn't me...I can't have him hate me or try to kill me." I sniffed. "Well, he can hate me just don't kill me." 

I sat there next to Ashton waiting for him to wake up. 

"What's that?" Michael pointed to my wrist. 

"They'll disappear once I get blood, but right now I want Ashton to wake up." I mumbled sleepily.  

I didn't know that I fell asleep but I woke up to Ashton screaming. Michael and Calum were back against the wall. 

"You put vampire blood in my body!" Ashton shouted. 

"Ashton.." I mumbled standing up. 

"You, you let them...I hate you all right now. Why couldn't you let me die." He shouted at me. 

"Because, I have feelings for you." I sighed. "I've never felt this away about anyone Ashton, I never cared this much about my ex at all." 

"You're lying to me." I saw the tears start to form in his eyes. 

"Put down the knife Ashton." I looked at him with worry in my eyes. 

"No, I rather die then live with vampire blood in me." He shouted. 

"Please, don't Ashton...The blood will pass through your body soon, it doesn't stay in your body." I said moving closer to him. 

"It doesn't?" He said looked me with wide eyes. 

"No, but if you kill yourself right now you'll become what you hate." I chocked on the last part. "I'm happy your okay...I should go, I've done enough damage to you." 


I've been sick lately and I haven't had the energy to update but I'm slowly getting batter :) I hope you guys enjoyed this 

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