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I pasted the floor, biting my nails waiting for Ashton to wake up. I couldn't think straight or anything. I just wanted Ashton to wake up. I wanted to hold him. Make love to him. I just..I need him. 

"Luke. Calm down. Your thoughts are strong dude. I can hear them." Calum sighed. 

" I can't calm down. My whole is laying on the couch. What if he doesn't..." I stopped and turned when I heard a gasp for air. "Ashton!" Tears rushed down my face as I ran to his side. 

He hugged and tight. 

"I love you Luke. More than anything in this world." Ashton cried. 

"I know. I love you too. I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again." I kissed him deeply. 


Ashton and I laid in our bed. The calming silence surrounded us. That was until Calum and Michael walked in shouting with anger. 

"I will not do it Michael!" Calum shouted. 

Me and Ashton got up and walked to see what they were arguing about. 

"What is it now." I mumbled. 

"Michael here wants me to turn him." Calum huffed. 

"Whoa. Michael...Me and Calum made a pact that we will never change a person we love unless they are slowly dying and they tell us to change them." I said. 

"The other day. Would you have changed me if your blood wasn't enough to heal me?" Ashton said his eyes searching mine for the true answers. 

I blink and looked away. I cliched my jaw and looked back at him. 

"Yes." I mumbled. 

"Good." Ashton grabbed my hand. "I was doing a lot of thinking about that. If anything happens to me I want you to turn me." 

"Ash.." He place his finger over my lips. 

"No buts. And with you two. Stop arguing. Please. We relaxing enjoying the silence them boom you two show up arguing once again. Just stop." Ashton shook his head. 

"A couple that argues together, stays together. Don't tell me that you and Luke don't argue because I since his anger sometimes." Calum arched his eyebrow. 

"Yes, we argue, but not as much as you guys do." Luke argued. "Look, when you guys get into an argue don't come over here. Just have hot make up sex. Now leave." 

Calum and Michael left mumbling under there breathes. 

"I can hear you guys." Luke hissed. 

"Yeah yeah yeah so what." Calum rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind him. 

With a deep sigh me and Ashton sat on the couch cuddling. I turned on the tv to the news. I watched as a dead body popped up on the tv. It was a female and she had bite marks on the side of her neck. From the look of her body I could tell that she was drained from all her blood. I swallowed hard and looked at Ashton. Mentally calling Calum, him and Michael showed up fast. 


I hope you guys are enjoying this? Comment/Vote/Share if you are. 

~Love You All~  

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