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I mouthed to Ashton 'Sorry' and took in deep breath. The door opened letting bright light in. I hissed as the person smiled. 

"Why." I coughed. "Let the humans go." 

"Oh, Not happening. You see I'm going to use them to torture you two with." He laughed. 

I realized I never knew the mans name even though he changed Calum and I. Anger built up in me as he walked over to Ashton. Squatting down in front of Ashton I mentally begged him not to touch Ashton. If he did I would lost it. Then an idea popped in my head. I wanted him to touch Ashton. 

"You see you hopeless little boyfriend over there." He pointed to me. "He's going to lay there as I torture you." He let out a wicked laughs as he grabbed Ashton. 

Seeing him grab Ashton and the tears falling from Ashton's eyes set me off. I hissed and broke free crashing myself into the guy with full vamp speed. Ashton ran to Michael untying him and they both went to Calum who once was untied came to me help. We pinned the bastard down. 

"You two can't kill me, I'm your master." He laughed. 

"No, but I can." Ashton cried as he drove a piece of sharp wood right through the mans heart. 

Michael caught Ashton as he fell to the ground. The guy went down in flames and burnt to ashes. I picked up Ashton and we all walked out of the place. It was long walk back but with Calum and I being vampires we ran with vamp speed home. Calum carrying Michael and me carrying Ashton who was still passed out. When we got my house I laid Ashton down on the bed. I pasted the floor back and forth until he woke up. I heard a thud and ran to my room where Ashton was on the ground groaning in pain. I took him in my arms and gave him butterfly kisses all over. 

"We're moving to a whole different state. Hopefully no one will find us." I kissed Ashton on the lips. 

"Fine with me. But can we adopt a child when we get settled down. Me and Michael were talking, it seems like a really idea." Ashton rested his head on my chest. 

"For you anything." I smiled rubbing his back. "We already found a Vampire Clan there. Some of the girls and guys there have human mates too. We'll fit in." 


It's been a whole year since we moved. We love it here. Michael and Calum adopted a little girl while me and Ashton adopted a boy. His name is Logan Robert Irwin-Hemmings. Michael named his daughter. Brooke Jolene Hood-Clifford. She goes by BJ. 


*Luke and Ashton's house* 

"He's so beautiful." Ashton smiled from the door way of Logan's room. 

"Just like you. Although he isn't our child. He is still as beautiful as you are." I smiled wrapping my arms around Ashton. "I love you, Ashton." 

"I love you, Luke. Forever and Always." Ashton smiled resting his head on my chest. 

"Forever and ever." I kissed Ashton and we walked to our room. 


*Michael and Calum's house.* 

"Dad! I can't sleep!" Brooke shouted laying in the dark of her room. 

"I'm coming." Michael mumbled not wanting to leave Michael's arms. 

Michael climbed into Broooke's bed cuddling with her as he hummed his little girl to sleep. No sooner then that Calum walked in picking them both up and carrying them into his and Michael's room laying them down in the bed. 

"I love you both. You two are the light to my dark." Calum kissed both of them and drifted off to sleep with them. 


OKAYYY this is the end of the story. I hope you guys love it :) If so Comment/Vote/Share :) 

~Love You All~  

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