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I woke up to kisses on my chest. I yawned opening my eyes to meet Ashton's. 

"Morning babe." Ashton smiled. 

"Morning too you to." I pulled Ashton in for a kiss. 

"Mm, What are we doing today?" Ashton yawned sitting up. 

"Well, looking for a house close to here just for us." I smiled. 

"Are you serious." Ashton jumped on me. 

"Yes. We need a place of our own." I smiled as Ashton kissed me. 


"Okay, so this place is closer than the last one and it's pretty big." I looked at Ashton who eyes said lets go inside. 

I lead Ashton to the front door where a guy opened the door. He smiled at Ashton first then me, I pulled Ashton closer to me and arched my eyebrow at the guy. 

"Okay, so let me show you around." He clapped his hands together.  

We walked the house. I kept Ashton close to me because I didn't trust the guy. But I enjoyed the look on Ashton's face. He was in aw of the place. 

"So..What you think babe?" I asked. 

"I love it. Can we buy it?" Ashton smiled at me holding both of hands. 

"Anything for you." I kissed him lightly and turned to the guy. "We'll take it." 


"Nice place Luke." Calum walked in without knocking. 

Me and Ashton were sitting on the couch watching Twilight. I know, it's odd that a real vamp is watching this fake shit but oh well, it's good entertainment. Calum flopped down next to us. 

"Where's Michael?" Ashton asked. 

Calum sighed. "We got into an argument, I left to cool off." 

"Argument about what?" Ashton looked at him sitting up. 

"Family..He wants to adopt." Calum looked down. "I told him we're both to you for that but he doesn't think so." 

"I'll go talk to him." Ashton got up and left. 

"I think you're right. You both are to young to adopt. But If it makes him happy then go for it. If the state will let teenagers adopt.." I trialed thinking about it. 

It's been hours since Ashton left. At this point I was worried. When I called him I only found out that his phone was here at home. I cursed and and went out to find him. I'll kill myself if something happened to him. 

"Luke, slow down. I'll call Michael." Calum said dialing Michael who didn't answer. "Fuck." 

I stopped and closed my eyes, focusing on Ashton I saw him and Michael in a dark room cuddled up to each other. Ashton was crying and praying. 

"Don't worry. Calum and Luke will come and get us." Michael sniffed trying to stay strong. 

A door opened and the boys looked terrified. Ashton mouthed "I love you Luke". I opened my eyes and took off running knowing where they were at. Calum followed. 

I kicked down the door as the man was on top of Michael and Ashton was knocked out. Calum kicked the man in his side then getting on top of him send punches to his face. I ran to Ashton who had blood on his shirt. I lifted up his shirt to see a stab wounds. 

"Calum. Kill that bitch." I hissed as warm tears ran down his cheek. 

I sat down and pulled Ashton's almost lifeless body onto his lap. I cut my wrist putting it up to Ashton's lips. 

"Drink baby. Please drink." I cried rocking back and forth with him in my lap. 

Ashton wouldn't drink and my cut was already healed so I cut him palm open and squeezed some blood into his mouth. 

"Let's go Luke." Calum said carrying Michael. 

I got up and holding Ashton in my arms. I cradled his body hoping he would heal and I wasn't too late. 


I hope you guys like it, if so Comment/Vote/Share :) I'll be ending this story soon at Chapter 20.

~Love You All~ 

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