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"Whoa baby." I smirked to the sight of his chest. 

I walked over to Ashton pushing him down on the bed. I climbed on top of him kissing him with passion. I felt him pull on my shirt so I took it off. He smirked and ran his hand down my abs to my pants unbuttoning them. He flipped us over so that I was underneath him. I hissed as he kissed a trial down my chest. He left hickeys and love bites. I hissed as he kissed me, teasing me, rubbing my cock. The bad thing about it was my boxers were still on. I could see everything turning light pink. Ashton looked up at me and smiled. 

"Enjoying it that much are you babe?" He teased. 

"F-fuck." I hissed as he pulled off my boxers licking me. 

"Can't wait to taste you." He smirked as he bit his lip. 

Good God, I through my head back as he took my length into into his mouth. I ran my fingered into his hair holding his head and pushing it down. He grabbed my hands and pinned them down next to me. I worked my cock with just his mouth. I loved the feeling of it. My breathing breathing got heavier and knew I was about to cum. 

"A-ashton I'm going to cum..." I breathed. 

"Mhm." He noised still sucked my dick. 

I clinched my jaw shut and throw my head back against the bed as I came inside of his mouth. He swallowed and licked his lips. 

"You do taste good." He smiled massaging me. 

I immediately got hard again. I hissed pulling him up and kissing him hard as I flipped us so he was underneath me. Leaving hickeys and love bites as I made my way down to his cock Ashton made soft moans. I his length into my mouth which was just about the same size as mine. I sucked and massaged his balls at the same time making him moan louder than before. I sucked him until he came in my mouth I swallowed tasting every bit of him. 

"You taste you good babe." I smiled kissing my way to his lips. "I want to be inside you now." I gently bite his earlobe while spreading his legs. 

I reached and grabbed a condom and the bottle of lube I slid the condom on and squirted lube into my hands I rubbed some on Ashton and my dick. I kissed him deeply as I slid into Ashton filling him. He clawed my back as moved in a faster pace. I don't remember when but when I looked down at Ashton's neck my teeth marks were embedded into his skin. I touch it and looked at him. 

"Did that hurt?" I asked. 

He shook his head and I kissed the spot. I decided to go slow but Ashton begged me to go fast. I was scared to because the last time I bit him. 

"It's okay." Ashton kissed my shoulder. 

I flipped us over. Ashton road me. He clawed at my chest and the marks just healed. I grabbed his hips and flipped us over and I felt myself about to cum. I tired to hold the urge back but it didn't work I bit Ashton tasting his blood. He tasted so sweet. I pulled back. My eyes blazing red. I trusted faster. Hearing Ashton scream my name made me cum. He came right after. We were a sweaty mess. I kissed Ashton deeply then licked my bite marks sealing them. I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Luke. I love you." Ashton mumbled making circles on my arm. 

"That's good because I love you." I kissed his neck and we laid there in silence. 


OKAY! How was that!! Comment/Vote if you loved it. <3 :) 

~Love you all~     

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