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I patted for Ashton to come sit next to me and he did, but slowly. 

"You don't have to nervous around me Ashton." I smiled. 

"I know, it's just that I kinda like you and we're alone in a house together....this never really happens to me." Ashton said. 

"Oh, I know you like me." I smiled. "I like you too, I just don't wanna get into anything right now." 

I sighed and played the movie. 

"I understand." Was the last thing Ashton said before he went silent and got into the movie. 

I was so into the movie that I didn't even notice Ashton feel asleep. I smiled. He looked peaceful sleeping. 

I woke up to Calum and Michael whispering. I went to move and realized that I'm tangled with Ashton. I smiled and patted his shoulder. He moved but wrapped tighter around me. I moved to get up and Ashton woke up. His eyes were wide with embarrassment. 

"Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about." I smiled getting up. 

He blushed and  looked away. I stretched and walked into the bathroom. When I came out Ashton was gone. I walked down stairs and Calum was sitting alone on the couch. 

"Where did Ashton go?" I asked. "And Michael." 

"They went home to shower and eat." Calum said as I walked into the kitchen. 

I downed two bags of blood and eat a blood of cereal. I went back into the living room and sat down. 

"Calum, yesterday when I ran off. I found myself surrounded by wolves....They didn't attack me because....I was upset and crying...." I sighed. 

"You ran into their territory?" Calum hissed. 

I nodded and sighed. "I could've died if they didn't see that I was upset and didn't mean to go on their land." 

"Hey hey hey." Sarah and Chris walked in. 

Calum and I both looked at them. 

"What's going on?" Chris asked. 

"Luke went on the wolves land." Calum mumbled. 

"How could you be so stupid Luke! Do you realize that we can all die because of your actions." Sarah shouted. 

"I was upset and crying. They left me with a warning. It happen again." I got up leaving the living room. 

I opened my door only to see Magnus laying in bed. I smiled and winked at me. I rolled my eyes dragging him out of my room. 

"Let me go!" Magnus shouted drawing attention. 

"I'll let you go when you're out of my house and far away from me." I gritted. 

"You know you want this body." Magnus smirked. 

"I rather date a human than date you." I spat at him. 

Magnus gasped and held his chest in a dramatic yeah. I rolled my eyes shutting the front door on his face. 

"You'll date a human. That's a shocker." Sarah mumbled chewing on her sandwich. 

I went back my room and laid down. I closed my eyes to see Ashton at a store. He was shopping and smiling. He looked over and I saw a guy with short brown hair, he was looking at Ashton and smiling too. I opened my eyes and with a gasp. I thought Ashton liked me. So why is he looking and smiling at another guy?  


So so so sorry that I haven't updated sooner!! I hope you guys like it! 

Comment/Vote :) 

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