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Ashton blushed. 

"You two are cute together, Y'know what. We should double date!" Michael smiled.

And that's what we did. We went and saw a movie, typical double date. We got back to my house, me and Ashton went my room. Right when we got comfortable we heard Michael and Calum shouting. Ashton gave a me concern look so I got up and walked to see what was going on. I froze when I saw th vase Calum's mom gave him. I could the anger building up in Calum. I went over to him and hugged him. He didn't hug me back so I let go.

"Calm down." I said looking into his eyes. 

"Calum I'm so sorry." Michael sniffed. 

"What's going on." Ashton yawned. "Oh." 

Ashton went into the kitchen and came out with a bowl. He started picking up the pieces of glass with he cut himself. I froze in play. He looked up at me with a hint of fear in his eyes. I took in a deep breath and walked to the bathroom grabbing band aids and a wet wash cloth. I cleaned up his finger and picked up the rest of the glass. 

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked. 

"Put it back together." Ashton took the bowl from me. 

"Ha, not you just cut yourself. You're going to do it again." I said. 

"Then help me." He glared at me. 

I sighed and followed him to the dinning room table. We glued the vase together with industrial glue. Hopefully it works and stays together. We let it dry and as Calum and Michael worked things out. We walked in on them making out. Me and Ashton went back up to my room, we cuddled and watched tv until we fell asleep. It felt right being with him. Having him in my arms. Don't get me wrong I still want to bite him but I'm holding back my urge. If I bite him then my mark will stay on him forever. That being he will be mine forever. 

"Luke. Luke are you okay?" Ashton shook me bringing me back to reality. 

"Yeah. I'm okay." I lied. 

"Don't lie to me." Ashton said placing his hand on my cheek. 

I looked away and Ashton climbed on my lap facing me. He grabbed my face making me look at him. 

"You don't wanna know." I sniffed. 

"I do." Ashton kissed me lightly. 

"Tell me. Please." He whispered on my lips. 

I nodded and began. 

"It happened over the summer. Um me and Ashton were walking to my house at night and there was a drive by. Me and Calum both got shot. I was very bad condition. I couldn't walk or more. I told Calum to run and leave because he was only shot in the shoulder... *I took a deep breath trying to hold back the tears but looking at Ashton made it all unfold.* ...He stayed with me until the police came. The vampires got to us before the ambulance did. I was too weak to even fight back to I was last choice. I saw Calum tackled and blood sucked out of him. Then he came over to me.... * Ashton covered my cheek with his hand and brushed the tears away.* ...He drained me of my blood, all but a little bit of it so that I was still alive when he forced me to drink to his blood. He did the same to Calum...He owns us until someone kills him." I sniffed. 

"What will happen if someone kills him?" Ashton asked full of concern. 

"Me and Calum still live but we get our freedom back." I laughed. "He dies, we are not under his command anymore...Lets put it like this...If he came here and ordered me to kill you....I would have no choice but to." I clinched my jaw shut. 

"Love is stronger than anything." Ashton said before he kissed me with passion. 

I kissed him back grabbing his waist as he grind on me. I hissed and leaned my head back as he sucked on my neck leaving me hickeys. He stopped and pulled my shirt collar down. 

"Is that his mark he left you?" Ashton asked touching it. 

"Yes." We both jumped to a crashing sound in the living room. 

"Luke!" Calum shouted. 

I rushed down to the living room to find a pack of wolves ready to attack. 


I hope you guys like it :) Enjoy. 

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~Love you all~  

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