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I went back home and laid down. It hurt me knowing Ashton hates my kind. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was in Ashton's room, I looked around and Ashton walked into his room. He looked hurt. 

"What am I doing wrong? Does Luke not like me." Ashton sighed taking off his shirt. 

I looked over his body, God his body was nice. Perfect tan, nice abs. Everything was going good until he looked dead at me. I opened my eyes with a gasp of air. 

"He saw me?" I shook my head on got up. 

I went to the kitchen and down some blood from the bag. My fangs still ached for Ashton's neck. I wanted to taste his sweet blood go down my throat. I shook my head snapping me out of the thought. I headed back up stairs and showered. I walked into my room with a towel around my waist. 

"Why do you deny me, Luke." Eric said playing with his thumbs. 

"I'm not, we had a drunk one night stand...It shouldn't have happened." I sighed getting dressed. 

"It was more than that and you know it!" I was pinned against my dresser by Eric. 

I searched his eyes finding nothing but hurt. 

"If you don't let me go, I will kill you." I hissed. 

"Do it, You'll be doing a huge favor." Eric sniffed. 

"Eric, I'm done with this off and on shit, You keep saying that you'll stop cheating but what do you...you go and cheat anyways. I have always been loyal to you." I pushed him off of me. 

"I love you Luke!" Eric shouted. 

"I don't love you anymore!" I shouted back. 

"You know what, You have my heart...No one else will have it, only you." His voice was emotionless. 

I watched all so sudden. I watched as Eric pierced his own hand through his chest and ripped out his arm. Tears fell from his green eyes as he bursts into a flame of dust. I fell to the ground in tears. I couldn't move. I couldn't do cry. I just couldn't bring myself to actually what happen. 


"Luke! You here?" I heard Calum call out my name but I didn't move. 

I heard foot steps then a gasp. Calum wrapped his arms around me and leaned my head against him. That's when everything unleashed. I cried, blaming myself for what happen. 

"What happened?" I heard Calum mumbled in my ear. 

"He killed himself, I said I didn't love him and he ripped his heart out...Cal, he said that I was the only one who will have his heart...Then he just ripped it out." I cried pulling on my hair. 

"Shh, Shh. Luke it's not your fault." Calum rocked me back and forth in his arms. "Come, you need sleep. You can sleep in bed." 

Calum had to carry me to his room because I didn't want to move. It was heard for me to sleep. I would have nightmares about Eric and Ashton. Werewolves would attack Ashton and kill him while they held me down. Eric would come to me in my dreams hunting me because I didn't love. 

"NO!" I woke up sweaty and breathing heavy. 

Calum came rushing into the room followed by Michael, Ashton, and Chris. My eyes were wide and I'm pretty sure my hair was a mess. 

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked. 


So I'm getting better slowly...I hope you like this chapter because I did! 

Comment/Vote :) 

Also I was thinking about making a Luke Hemmings fan account on Twitter and Instagram but idk...I might make one so if you like Luke be sure to follow me...I'll leave an @ name when I make it :) 

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