Bitchany || 1

404 19 21

*please read the authors note at the end of this chapter!*

~Lux Montgomery

I hop down the stairs sliding my hand down the railing, and jumping the last step landing on my black combat boots.

And then on my butt, I didn't know my lace was undone and as I fell I cursed.

Lux, this is what you get when you try to act cool. Now, I would've preferred falling at home and onto carpet. But here, at school—Hell—This doesn't happen.

I look around me to make sure no one saw my pathetic fall, once I know it's all clear I get up and subtly brush my light washed ripped jeans, and grey loose t-shirt off. I fix my green army vest and grey beanie, and keep walking.

"No hats on in school!" I hear a bratty voice yell. I just roll my eyes and keep walking in the direction to my first class

Today is not my day. I don't want anyone talking to me today. Except for Mia, my best friend, or Blake, my boyfriend.

And right on queue a certain green eyed blonde steps in my line of vision, along with her bitch of a clique. I shrug and try to walk around her, but what do you know? Her bitches walk in my way and push me, "Brittany, can't you do your own little dirty work and not get your little bitches to do it for you?" I sigh looking the wicked witch herself in the eyes.

"Of course," She smiles innocently folding her hands in front of her, "I just wanted to commend you for your pathetic little fall there," I glare at her, "Yeah, we saw it." She says in a baby voice scrunching up her face and fluffing my hair.

"Okay." I say, pretending not to care, she scoffs as I walk away before her clique has the chance to try and stop me.

"you're a fake Lux Montgomery, a fake!" She yells swinging her arms in the air like a crazy lady. Which she is.

"Sit down!" An annoyed masculine voice yells in reply to Brittany, I snicker as I open up my locker to grab my books.

But before I can even have the chance to reach my hand into my locker the devil himself slams my locker door shut. I grunt and turn around, "Carpenter."

"Montgomery." He growls.

"What do you want." I say through gritted teeth.

He wrests his arm on my shoulder and I shrug it off in return.

"What. Do. You. Want." I say Crossly, bawling my hands into fists.

He smirks in return challenging me, "Oh, nothing... I just wanted to see what my best friend was up to."

"We are anything but best friends Jacob Carpenter." I grumble unlocking my locker grabbing my books and slamming my locker door shut and speedily making my way to English.

Jake jumps in response grinning, "Nice locker combination!" I whip my head around in surprise, "5, 2—" I shoot my hand over his mouth slapping him in the face in the process. His eyebrows furrow and I grin. That sounded like it had hurt.

That's good. It serves him right. "22!" he finishes with a shout ripping my hand off his face, and glare at him, when it suddenly dawns on me that that's not even my locker combination.

"That's not even my locker combination!" I laugh at him, he glares at me.

"well, now I'm one step closer to knowing your locker combination, considering that's not it." He shrugs.

I turn around hitting him in the face with my hair and make my way to English, finally, I breathe a sigh of relief, but eventually remember that Jake and I both have English together, I roll my eyes sit down in my desk and slam my head on the desk.

Jake just rolls his eyes at me and sits in his desk near the front, we don't have assigned seats, but Jake and I hate each other so much that we stay as far away from each other as possible. Well, other than when Jake is trying to annoy me. But he usually doesn't try to do that because he hates me so much.

And the feeling is more than mutual.

Especially when it comes to sports. Jake is on all the guys teams, and I'm on all the girls teams.

Did I forget to mention that there's also the fact that the guys and girls teams train together?

Yeah. And there's a soccer practice today.

Jacob Carpenter better be ready.

Because he's in for a treat.


So I'm adding this authors note in now, because I forgot it originally... Anyways... Please read the second chapter it's a lot better and a lot more eventful lol xD





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