Don't get too close || 20

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I don't know what I ever did to Elena to deserve this. But for some reason she just had to do something to get under my skin.

"What are you doing in my room?" I accuse her.

"Oh, I remember when I was your best friend and would be able to walk in any time I wanted, it was practically my second room." Mia retorts, standing up, pursing her lips as she walked over to me slowly. She looks at me as she walks around me suspiciously.

"That was before you slept with Blake, my boyfriend." I shoot back at her.

She laughs lightly, "yeah, he's a great boyfriend you just didn't appreciate him enough, you didn't give him what he needed, deserved, and wanted."

"I know what he wanted. And he didn't deserve it. He might have been my boyfriend Mia, but I hadn't even kissed him let alone... Do that with him." I say as I look down at the ground then back up at her.

I can't believe she would come into my room, my house. Accusing me of anything and everything.


"Bigger bitch that slept with my boyfriend." I huff back at her.

"No you're a bitch—"

"No, you're the bitch, you're Blake's bitch. You would do whatever he asked you to do until it killed you, or is that where you draw the line? When it's your happiness or life on the line and not someone else's. Now leave my house and don't come back." I point forcefully in the direction of my door. "Or do you need me to walk you out myself?"

"Just, don't get too close to Jake okay, he's not the kind of guy you deserve." She says relatively kindly. But obviously she's telling me to stay away from her to benefit herself, because that's just who she is.

I cross my arms and stare at her with an angry expression resting on my face, "oh really, and what exactly is my type Mia?"

"The good kind. Because that's what you deserve." She says fidgeting with her hands and looking down at the ground.

"You're right. That's what I deserve, I also deserve good friends. Which is why I have Austin. Now leave." I say more loudly this time with my teeth clenched together. She looks at me quickly before shaking her head with a small smile on her face.

I'm not even going to bother asking, because I don't care. And knowing her she'll probably tell me.

She walks out the door and down the the kitchen, taking glances here and there, still smiling and shaking her head. Not a happy smile though, more of a thoughtful, sad smile.

She walks towards the front door before she turns around to look at me, "I just find it funny you know, how we went from being such great friends, best friends, sisters, knowing everything about each other. To this, hating one another and not knowing anything about each other anymore. I guess people change—I changed. For the worse. And I'm sorry." She says to me before turning around and opening the door.

With one hand on the door still she sadly turns her head so she's talking to me over her shoulder, "I know it's my fault. Bye Lux." And with that she exited my house and closed the door behind her.


I sit in my chair reading a book about this girl with her perfect life, her perfect boyfriend her perfect everything. Like why can't I have her life?

I feel like I'm in some type of Barbie movie, the one where they switch lives.... It's like a princess and a pop star? I don't know.

But I'm going to be honest here... When I'm sad or just feeling it I do one of five things. I either curl up and play some video games, curl up and read a book, curl up and watch Star Wars, curl up and watch Harry Potter or curl up and watch a little kid show or movie, because they are filled with so

much joy and happiness. Sometimes a little too much I think... Like I'll find myself watching my little pony or Barbie.

I always find myself curling up and doing something though. I don't know how I got here, I wonder off quite a bit... Too much actually...

"Lux!" Someone shakes me from behind, I turn around to see Austin shaking me vigorously.

"Austin, what do you want... And how'd you get in my room!?" I ask looking around, as I know I had locked my door.

I turns around and points towards the window. The window that was open, "through there."

"I had that locked..." I say pointing to wards my window in utter confusion. How could he get in my room if my window was locked I need to get that checked out.

"Ah, either you thought you did and you didn't, or you need to get that shit checked out." Austin repeats my thoughts while bouncing up and down at the spot he's standing.

"Okay. Austin, you came here for a reason. Now what was it?"

"Aw, damn. I uh," he looks around frantically, "I forgot my bra?" He says holding one of my bras up to his chest while looking down at it.

"Okay... Bye, Austin."

"Lux, you have sm—"

"Get out Austin!" I hiss, "unless you came here for a freaking reason. Leave!"

"Okay, okay. Just don't kill me when I say this."

"You're really tempting me right now." I say through clenched teeth.

"My best guy friend is gay."

"And what's the problem there." I ask, not seeing a problem other than the fact that he's judging him by the sound of it. And it's getting on my nerves because that bothers me so much. "Just let the boy be who he is."

"It's not that I have a problem with it..." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly while blushing a bit, "it's just that when he told me... He also kinda told me something else."


"That he likes me." I burst out laughing, okay. I am not judging whatsoever. But it is kinda funny, considering how awkward Austin was being. "See! Now you're judging him. And it's not funny... I just don't know what to do."

"Tell him you don't like him that way, and that you'd prefer to stay best friends, but totally accept him for who he is. I guess?" I pause, "whoa, don't say the I guess part... I just mean, I've never really had experience with this sort of thing."

He looks at me blankly, so I add something in that I've never thought of before, "that is if you, uh, only like him as a friend."

"Yeah. Just a friend. This is a bit weird, I'm gonna go tell him what you told me." He waves at me and then leaves. That was an extremely weird encounter, even for Austin.


Okay, I know that was a short chapter, but I have a few things up my sleeve for the next one... And I wanted to save them for the next one.

Hope you guys enjoyed!





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