Helping the enemy || 2

197 15 35

~Lux Montgomery

Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo.

This shit was getting on my nerves. It's so fake and cliché, the guy loves the girl the girl loves the guy blah blah blah, death.

Pretty much Romeo and Juliet in a nutshell. So why am I listening to this lesson exactly?

That's the thing;

I'm not.

I shift in my chair plotting what I'm going to do to Jake today at soccer practice.

I'm going to make him—

"Miss Montgomery, is there something you're trying to tell the class?" My crabby old teacher Ms. Malfoy snaps raising a non existent drawn on eyebrow at me.

The whole entire class turns around in their seats to look at me in curiosity, including Jake. Who wasn't just looking, but smirking too.

"Um... No?" I question dumbly, what was she talking—

"Because you were mumbling about 'making him pay' back there." She says motioning her hand which held a pointer in it.

So that's what she was talking about... Oh.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about." I say too quickly.

The class doesn't take their eyes off me, until Ms. Malfoy snaps her fingers violently and points to the tv.

That wasn't that bad. I survived.

"Miss. Montgomery!" The teacher yells pausing the tv and glaring at me with her grey—almost white eyes.

I spoke too soon.

If that wasn't scary I don't know what is.

"What do you want now Ms. Malfoy?" I sigh rolling my eyes and biting the inside of my cheek to hide my smile.

"You are not paying attention to my vital lesson." She yells.

"Romeo and Juliet is hardly classified vital." I dead pan as I get out of my seat and make my way to the door.

"Get out! Principals office right now!" She sniffles. Is she seriously crying because I said Romeo and Juliet is hardly vital?

I mean, judging by the number of pictures she has of cats wearing sweaters with her face on them, she lives her love life vicariously through Romeo and Juliet.

Has she ever seen the ending to it... I mean... They die.

"Already going, don't need to tell me twice." I say exiting through the door throwing my hand in the air with my back to her.


"You will not be going to practice today." My principal announces to me.

"But I'm the captain! I run all the drills!" I explain desperately. "Besides, this is my first time being in the principals office of my 4 years attending this school!"

"Yes, but the captain of a team, or actually all the girls teams in this school, should be setting a good example."

"Yeah, because that bi—" I smile catching myself, "lovely, lovely teacher Ms. Malfoy just loved sending me to the principals office for no reason in particular."

"She said you offended her religion." My principal says harshly.

I scoff, "really? So forcing her students to watch Romeo and Juliet every year is her religion?" I ask, "hm, because to me that just sounds like bad teaching."

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