One of his girls? || 21

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"I won't lie to you,
I know he's just not right for you...

And you could tell me if I'm off
but I see it on your face,
when you say that he's the one that you want,
And you're spending all your time in this wrong situation,
and anytime you wanted to stop."

I continue walking down the road while listening to Shawn Mendes' new song on my iPhone.

"I know I can treat you better,
Better than he can."

Yes. I am a huge Shawn Mendes fan. I'm even going to his concert in Toronto...

But currently I'm on my way to Austin's house to see how he's doing considering his best friend has a crush on him. Which I mean, could be a little awkward. Especially for Austin who's already as awkward as it gets, but the sweetest boy in the world.

Austin doesn't live that far away from me, and I had just made it past Jakes house when I see a car pull in his driveway, and out hops a red haired girl, I walk a little closer to his house trying to get a better look at things but remain out of sight... Or at least not look suspicious.

The girl knocks on his door strangely, the door opens and the red head is greeted by Jake himself. She starts giggling and making her way closer to him, trailing her fingers up and down his chest while on her tip toes, I hold back my gag so then I don't give my spot away.

Jake smiles at her, grabs her hand and pulls her inside quickly, shutting the door behind him. I glare towards the door. Is Jake really getting back into his bad habits? Or am I just jumping to conclusions.

I march up to the door and knock twice, but I don't knock lightly I knock hard, before I can convince myself not to knock. But after I finish knocking I stop in my tracks... What am I supposed to say when he opens the door? Is your refrigerator running? How many eyes do potatoes have? What colours the sun? What's—

"Lux? What are you doing here?" He asks squinting to adjust his eyes to the brightness of the sun.

"What colour do fridges potato eyes have?" I ask quickly and then shoot my hand to cover my mouth I release my hand and then laugh lightly. How stupid could I be? That doesn't even make sense... I look up at Jake to see he's staring at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Uh, I don't know? What colour?" He asks awkwardly trying to play along with my 'joke'.

"Me either! Yeah... I don't know, so I thought I'd ask you, nice talking to you..." I wave and turn around to leave when he stops me by holding my wrist lightly causing me to look at him.

He coughs and then speaks in a low deep voice, "are you sure that's all you wanted?"

"No." I squint my eyes shut, "I mean yes."

"Come in, I have something to show you."

"Uh, I don't know... Don't you have company?"

"Oh, her? She's just a girl that can't seem to get it in her head that I'm done with her." He says plainly, staring at me the entire time.

"That's awful!" I say disgusted, "you seemed to willingly let her in."

"Okay. She's my tutor."

"Your what?"

"My tutor." He says looking down at the ground.

"Then how come you guys acted all flirty?"

"I kinda take drama at school, it's an easy class..." He says uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck, "and I'm not that great at it, and yeah I know you don't usually see tutors in drama, but I needed a tutor for English as well but my parents wouldn't let me. They said I could only have one tutor."

"I could help you in English, I happen to be pretty good at it."

"Are you Lux Montgomery? I may just have to take you up on that offer then. Tomorrow at 7?"

"Sure, meet me at my house at 7." I say before walking off.

He gives it a few seconds before he closes the door. I smile as I descend down the stairs but my smile fades once I remember what I was doing... I needed to go meet Austin.


I run down and finally reach Austin's house. All of his lights are off except for the ones in the living room, I walk over to the door ready to knock but that doesn't happen as I see movement by the window. I slowly walk over, placing my hands on the outer window sill and lifting my chin up while on my tip toes trying to get a better look.

And no it's not creepy, I usually do this if I see Austin in the living room just to scare him.

I finally reach to above the window sill and what I see shocks me, I don't quite no who it is, but two people are sitting on the couch kissing... Austin and someone else who appears to be a guy... But I'm not sure it could just be a girl with really short hair.

Austin, gay? I could never have put those to words together before, but I guess I'm not a very good friend if I couldn't. Suddenly I remember that I'm staring at a window watching two people kiss. I let go, falling into the shrubs below and I run home all these thoughts swirling around in my head. I don't know which are true, but I probably shouldn't read to much into it.

I should let him explain.

But why should he have to explain himself? He shouldn't.

But I'm confused as hell.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed I know it was short (and I know I always say this) but I'm really tired.

I also need to get to sleep because I have my grad tomorrow and I have a lot to do... So yeah hope you all enjoyed! Were you surprised by the Austin part, or did you have your suspicions? Who knows if those suspicions are correct yet... Until next chapter! And what do you think will happen between Lux and Jake at there English study time?

(And as promised I updated!!!)





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