Chapter... SEVEN?! :D

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"If you're pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss.. Can mend your broken heart, I might miss everything you said to me... And I can mend your broken parts, that might fit like thii-iss, and I will give you all my heart-ttt. So we can start it all over again.." I sung out while showering away. 

I typically have days where I sing more depressing songs then usual. Today, would be one of them. Depression Sunday, I suppose. I guess I'm in this mood because although Connor said it was just a "friendly date", I fear it's something more. I can't handle some relationship spark. Especially not with him. 

I'll just go ahead and share my thoughts on this kid: 

I met him yesterday. I don't hate him, but he's not someone I could see having any sort of relationship with. Gosh, I really DON'T want that. He's attractive, like I've said before. But, I don't know. Something is just telling me that he's not my type. Since I've only known him for less than a day, I honestly don't plan on him kissing me, and asking me to be his girlfriend tonight. Cause, quite frankly, that crap doesn't happen in real life. Sorry to break any hearts, fangirls. I just don't believe in love at first sight. He even said I REMINDED him of someone he used to love. That's gotta be uncomfortable. He's not even loving me at first sight, he's thinking of someone else. So, my hopes for tonight are that it's just a short evening. No strings attached. And he'll feel better about himself enough to NOT want to do anything like this ever again. Fingers crossed. 

So, I wasted my time away in the shower. Eventually, I got out and started my daily routine of makeup and hair, that I've already explained in detail. I won't bother doing it again. After that time waster, I proceeded to getting dressed. I dreaded that even more today then usual. Since best friends are the best, and mine in particular loves to pick out clothes for me, it wasn't that hard getting dressed. I didn't have to through that whole "Oh no, what do I wear?!" phase. Took some stress off my life. 

She chose some red flowey tanktop, (again similar to the style I wore yesterday. I have a few of those in my collection, haha.) and she decided to make me wear a white lacey bandeau underneath. I guess the bandeau works a little. And it looks cute under the shirt cause it's somewhat see-through in the back. And I put white shorts on. That was just a mess waiting to happen, knowing my clumsy self. She decided to let me borrow her brown combat boots. They're her favorite pair, so I'm pretty appreciative of them. (haha) Everything was pretty well matched, especially to my signature red lip stick. I felt, attractive. Hopefully attractive enough to be seen with him in public.         Not that I care. 

I trudged down the stairs to find Isabelle sprawled out on my couch, asleep. I guess 10 hours wasn't enough sleep for her last night. Not that I'm judging. I quietly crept over to her sleeping figure and draped a blanket across her, then checked the time. 3:27. Man, I have the ability to waste time. 

Izzy turned over and mumbled something. "I got tired. You were in the shower for hours." She lazily smiled. 

"Perfection takes time." I said circling my face with my hand. She closed her eyes once again. There goes my support system. Connor said he'd pick me up around 4. She'll probably still be asleep. 

Oh well. I'm not nervous at all. 


~Author's note: Another short chapter! But I really just wanted to update fast, because of all the reads I've gotten  from you amazing people! I just wanted to get a new chapter out! Their date will be taking place next chapter, I swear! :D luv u. .xx~ 

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