Chapter 9. There's no good rhymes.

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*Quick note: I did change my username from nevergrowingup69 to nevergrowingup66. my sister saw that i had that username and laughed at it, but told me to change it. sorry for any confusion.* 

"So, trust issues?" Connor cheekily smiled at me. There's no way I'm giving a play by play of my life story to this kid I've only just met. He gets the briefest explanation there ever could be. 

"We all have our little 'issues' in life. Trust is kind of a big one for me." I stated. Nothing more nothing less. 

"What caused this?" He asked like he actually cared. Why would you care about some teen girls problems in life? I've already complained that I'm fat. What more could he possibly want. 

"A lot of things in my life, all piled up into one. Some stuff from being a kid, make that a lot of stuff, then being the stupid person I am, I go trust my heart to some guy who ends up dropping it. Shattering it into two huge pieces. He took one of them and left, leaving me with a heart that's only beating halfway. A heart that's barely surviving." It seemed as though my words wanted to be heard by only his ears. Like my mouth was dying to tell him every little thing about myself. My body parts longed to be seen and heard by him and for some reason they trusted him. My mind thought otherwise. Almost the complete opposite. My body was at war. 

"You're not stupid." He sighed, seeming annoyed. Like he was on my side against this old lover I had. "He's the stupid one. You never break a girl's heart. You don't get that serious just to break her heart. It should be common guy knowledge to respect a women's feelings."

"Some guys aren't as smart as you, kid." I told him honestly. I wanted the topic off me though. I'm not exactly comfortable talking about myself, if you hadn't already noticed. "But girl's are allowed to break guy's hearts? How'd that work out with you?" It seemed as though I could be prying, but again, my mouth has no filter. Especially when it comes to him for some reason. 

He breathed in before he continued, "I'll try to make this brief. Remember in middle school when you would look over a kid next to you's shoulder? It'd be a quick look, then you'd scribble down that one answer on a test that you just couldn't figure out. Well, it seems she decided to peek over my shoulder when I wasn't looking, pick a person who was close to my heart, and use him. She'd cheat off of me, and a really good friend of mine. I don't blame him, because he didn't know we were together. She told him we broke up. And it kills me inside to know that I wasn't good enough for her. That's got to be what it was, right? Why else would a person want to do that? So, she can break my heart, so can many other girls. Because I deserve it. I'm just not good enough." 

I started to reply back, but the waiter cut me off. Oh, I forgot to mention that. Currently we were sitting in a practically deserted diner somewhere in L.A. I'd never heard of the place, but it's cute and small. Looks like grandma's style cooking. I've always preferred that over some overpriced steak. So, we're crammed in a two person booth, facing each other directly. It's the perfect place to just sit and talk. 

Our conversation has been distracting me this entire time, I haven't even glanced at the menu. Even if I had, I don't have an appetite. After listening to his love story I couldn't bare stomaching anything down. 

"What can I get for you, folks?" I believe his name was Brian, politely asked. I gave Connor a sympathetic smile before answering him. 

"I'd love a cup of coffee and a water, please." I decided to just sip on coffee. I've always loved diner coffee. Connor gave me a look that almost seemed mad, or disappointed. 

"Alrighty. For you, sir?" Brian turned towards Connor. 

"I'll have the same. And a piece of chocolate cake. Two forks." Connor looked up and told him. Brian scribbled down our pathetic meal and turned on his heels in the opposite direction. 

I cant even... Connor Franta. (fan fiction of course)Where stories live. Discover now