Chapter ONE! (the start of everything...)

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"We areeeee wild. We are like Young Volcanoes!!" my ringtone blasted my favorite Fall Out Boy song, shaking my bedside table. It kept playing. And playing. And playing. I was regretting setting my text tone on repeat. I wondered in my head the possibilities of who could be texting me at 3 in the afternoon. Everyone important enough to put in my contact list knows I sleep in til 3 every single Saturday. It's probably Isabelle. She texts me constantly and I hate it. It's not that I dislike her, (although she is EXTREMELY hyper like at all times. Gotta love her though. Closest thing I have to a sister.) I just despise technology. But my mom insisted I have a phone on me at all times. Screw that. 

I flopped over and opened my eyes, but quickly squinted them. The brightness from my phone was too much for my lazy eyes. Guess who was texting me?!?! You got it. Fricken Isabelle. 

"HAYDEN WAKE THE FRICK UP! I HAVE SOMETHING TO ASK YOU! luv u. xx" Aw. Isn't she just so sweet to me...? 

"bitch please, Saturdays are the days I sleep in and you know that. Don't you misspell 'love' at me, missy. *LOVE* *YOU*, Izzy." I absolutely positively HATED it when people misspelled words when using technology. (She knows that as well)  Or abbreviated stuff. Like COME ON. ARE YOU THAT LAZY? Haha, I probably shouldn't be talking. Whatever. It's like when fangirls do it and crap. Stuff such as "OMFG! I CSNT BELIVE HE tweed me bAc. I csnt eVen rite NOw. !!!1!" Like seriously?! Bleh. 

Anyway... I dropped my phone back on the table and attempted to sit up. I failed, but hey, at least I tried. My bed was just too comfortable to leave, and my bones knew that. So they made me fail at getting up. I attempted a second time, and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I slowly trudged over to my shut bedroom door, which conveniently had a mirror attached to it. I stared at my reflection, looking myself up and down. 

Ugh. I look like crap. My EXTREMELY curly light brown hair was pulled up into the messiest bun I've ever laid my eyes on. My over-sized shirt, which used to belong to my dad, was partly somehow tucked into my sleep shorts. Don't get me started on the shorts. Bleh. They clung to the fat around my stomach and I groaned while untucking my shirt. I'm not like over-sized I guess, but I could be skinnier than what I am. I don't exercise as most people do. Which I feel bad about, but summer are the days where I forget about any and all movement that my body HAS to do during school, for fricken P.E. So I regret not exercising, but whatever. I don't hate my stomach, but it could be flatter. 

After admiring my totally attractive outfit I was wearing, (i'm joking if you can't tell. I do that a lot. You'll catch on) I stared at my face. Completely COVERED in acne. Now that was definitely my biggest insecurity. It's not as bad as it used to be, but I still do have small zits here and there, and two huge ones that disgust me. And acne scarring. Everywhere. It's the worst. I cake on makeup everyday to avoid being seen with my ugly face. Once I have the makeup on, I look nice. I think I look attractive, but I don't want to seem stuck up in any way. That's the last thing I want people to think of me. 

Besides that insecurity, I'm a pretty carefree person. I don't really care what people think of me, that's why I'm so sarcastic all the time, cause who the hell cares. Only thing I care about is if people honestly believe I'm stuck up. I don't care if they call me a bitch or a slut, cause I know that's not true. But stuck up-ness (I just made that word up.) is something I can't deal well with. I don't judge people, even if they do judge me. I especially don't judge people who have acne, cause I know what it feels like. It sucks. Being a teenager sucks. 

Well, enough ranting. I'm not gonna say I went down and ate breakfast, like most people do, cause I honestly CAN NOT eat when I first wake up. It's not that I'm starving myself, but food just doesn't sound appetizing in the morning. I eat at all other times of the day though. So, I lazily walked to the bathroom, and turned the shower on. (You can imagine what I did in there.. Wait, don't. That's gross. I just washed my hair, face, and body. Don't be a pervert.) 

I dried off and wrapped my hair up into a towel. I shuffled back to my room and didn't want to get dressed at all. I go through this every morning, I never want to go through the trouble of putting clothes on. It's just so.... soo.... active. haha. I did anyway, but didn't enjoy doing it. I went with my favorite pair of shorts I wear all the time... They're pretty short, but my butt doesn't hang out of them. And I chose a white flowy tanktop, with armholes that are so big, (because you're meant to see the bandeau underneath the shirt, but I wear a sports bra. Because quite frankly, bandeau's don't do crap for girls who have somewhat larger boobs.) that it makes me feel like I'm wearing nothing cause the shirt's so loose. 

Isabelle texted me again. Bleh. Technology. I opened the text and it read: 

"Whatever, lazy butt. How's a party sound to you tonight? xx" 

I replied: "Sounds too.... social. :P" 

She replied: "Only because you're like an anti-social turtle. I can't say butterfly cause that's for social people. And that's not you. Sooo."

I replied: "Since I'm the anti-social one, can I choose the animal I am? I much prefer being an anti-social sloth, please and thank you.xx" 

She replied: "Okay, sleeping sloth. You're coming to the party with me tonight. Come pick me up at 7. xx" 

I replied: "Fine, butterfly bitch, I'll be there at 6:59 just to piss you off. Love you. xx" 

She didn't reply after that. Not that she needed to. She got what she wanted. I shouldn't have agreed to go. What kind of party are we going to? And whose exactly is it? 

~Author's note: HEY BEST FRIENDS! YES IM TALKING TO YOU! :D what's up?! I'll tell you right now that this fanfiction will live up to it's title. Connor Franta will enter the story shortly. hahaha. I hope you enjoy it so far. It'll get good, I promise! .xx your best friend. oh and p.s. no offense to fangirls! I'm a fangirl myself at Connor sometimes! I just thought it'd be funny... Excuse any spelling errors. Haha~

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