Well this outta be great... Chapter 8.

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"You look nice.." Connor coughed awkwardly, standing as close to the door as possible. I thought I looked good too. I'm not trying to be stuck up, yet again. He had a beanie on, although it's like 90 degrees out. Oh well, I always found it attractive when guys wore beanies. Something about that fashion accessory drove me crazy. Tan shorts, and this gray sweater thing, to match his beanie. I know it'll probably get cold tonight, but come on, a sweater?! It looked good on him though. 

"You don't have to make this any more awkward than it already is. You look good too." I said walking out the door, him following after me. 

"If you honestly don't want to, let's just not do this." Connor suggested, sighing. "I was looking forward to it though."

"It's not that I don't want to--"

"Really, cause your facial expression says otherwise." He cut me off. Don't make me start, Connor. 

"Well, what do you expect? We haven't had the best introduction, Connor." I snapped at him. 

"That's kind of why we're doing this if you've already forgotten." He said gesturing his hands in the air around our situation. I just huffed and tried to hold my tongue. I plopped down on the sidewalk and he sat down next to me, keeping his distance. A minute of silence pasted, and he spoke up again. "Why don't we start over?" I thought about what he was saying and decided to play along. 

"Alright. But we're playing according to my rules." I jumped up. Connor leaned back on his hands. "I'm still keeping my rule: Don't touch me. Secondly--" 

"What? Excuse me?" Connor acted confused. 

"I was about to state my next rule?" I replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know who you are. What's your name?" He smiled like a four year old. I sighed and realized what he was doing. So much for my second rule. 

"Hayden. And you are?" I looked down at him. He stood up and scratched his head. 

"Hayden? That's a unique name. I'm Connor." He stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shook my head.

"We can continue to play this game, but you're not touching me." I started walking in the other direction. I'm not getting in a car with him, if he plans on taking me somewhere. I either drive, or I walk. No substitutions. "And a unique name? That's the best you could come up with? You should have just said what you were thinking: isn't that a guy's name?" I smiled to myself as I listened to his footsteps behind me. 

"I did just meet you. Saying your name is supposed to be a guy's name isn't the best way to start off." Connor kept his hands in his pockets and stood a good foot or two to the side of me. I'm good with that. 

"I don't take offense to it. I've heard it before. And quite frankly, it doesn't bug me. I prefer people to be completely honest, instead of stretching the truth. So if you would like to hold a conversation with me, you'll be using pure honesty. Or I'm ditching you." 

"Then I should tell you now, my name's not Connor." He attempted to say with a serious facial expression. I stopped and gaped my mouth open. 

"What?! But you're Connor Franta?! The most Frantastic guy on the Internet?!" 

"I'd tell you my real name, but then I'd have to kill you." He smiled. 

"I don't even care. I'd be an honor for you to kill me." I fake fangirled. 

"I suppose I could break my rule just once..." He leaned close to my ear, still minding my personal space, looked back and forth as if to check if any one was around, and covered his mouth. "My real name's 'Man of Your Dreams...'" He stood back all proud like. I burst out laughing. 

I cant even... Connor Franta. (fan fiction of course)Where stories live. Discover now