Holy crap... Chapter ten!? :D

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Side by side, feet in sync, hands I'd like to think we're almost touching but were a good two inches away from each other, and both facing forward. We just walked. He had dropped his car off at my neighbors, since he was housesitting with Kian. He asked me to go on a walk with him, I said yes, and here we are. Walking. As it got later in the night, it started getting cooler. I sort of regretted going with the tanktop, and I realized now why Connor wore a sweater. And I made fun of him for it earlier. So stupid. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" He leaned his head down to me, then straightened back up. Crap. I promised honesty. But if I honestly answered him, he'd think I'm bipolar after yelling at him profusely the past day. 

"I'd be lying if I didn't say I was thinking about you." I mumbled. I didn't look at him, but I knew he was  smiling to himself. 

"Oh." He said. "What about me?" He still faced forward. 

"How I made fun of you earlier for your stupid sweater. Now I'm fricken cold." I seriously told him, earning a burst of laughter. He started to take his sweater off, and I stopped him half way. "No way. I'm not wearing that. That's like, what couples do. We're not a couple, Connor. I'm not doing it." I shook my head and moved my arms in the same movement. He just proceeded to pull it off of his head. 

"Well," he breathed. "You can either wear it, or we can both freeze. Cause I'm not putting it on knowing you're cold." He tried to reason with me. That little jerk, (I would say something worse, but language is some what frowned upon, apparently. haha) basically giving me no other choice. I'm not putting that on. I'm not doing it. Nu-uh. That's cheesy and what every couple does. We're not a couple. Nope. Nah dah. No. 

"I'm not wearing it, and you can't convince me otherwise." I held my ground. He shrugged and just held it in his hand as we walked. Luckily, he was wearing a tshirt underneath it. So, it wasn't that awkward walking along. 

"So, what if I was giving it to you as a friendly gesture? No strings attached. You take it so you're warm. Not cause you know it smells like me." He winked at me. When he puts it like that--- No. I'm not wearing it. Nooo. 

"Fine." I took it from his hand and slowly shoved it on. "It's gonna be too small for me" I joked about my earlier complains. He just disagreeing-ly laughed. Once it was on, I looked down and it was big on me. I was happy about that. Nothing would make me feel worse if we were the same size, or if he was smaller than me. 

"You look fabulous," He said in his best gay-designer voice. I struck a pose and looked dramatically at him. 

"Thank you, darling. I know a guy with great taste." I over-exaggerated. He seemed entertained, and looked at me almost-adoringly. Like he liked the way I looked with his clothes on. It was a little weird, but sweet at the same time. I liked the way it looked on me too. The sleeves were too long for me, but I didn't care. I pulled the neck of the sweater up to cover my mouth, and smelled it. Man, he did smell good. Wait, what am I thinking? I said I wouldn't do this. I'm not doing this. I dropped the sweater back down to where it was before. I prayed he didn't see me doing that. 

"How do I smell?" He asked. Crap. So he did. 

"Not bad... Like axe." I answered. 

"Well, I'm half lumberjack so that's understandable." He cheesily told me. 

"I said like axe, not like an ax, smart one." I rolled my eyes. 

"I've decided I need a nickname for you." He out of nowhere announced. What? Why would he need a nickname for me?

"Okay... Why's that?" 

"Cause, I have like a billion nicknames. Con, Condabon, Franta, Mr. Frantastic, Man of Your Dreams, smart one-according to you, and kid. And you're just.. Hayden." He named off what did seem like a billion. 

"Condabon? I'm gonna puke. Who the hell calls you that? Your mom?" I laughed. "And what's wrong with Hayden?"

"Actually, the rest of O2L calls me that. Especially Kian." I kept giggling at their pet name for Connor. How adorable. "And nothing's wrong with Hayden. You just need a nickname." 

"By the way, I think smart one and kid are the best nicknames on that list. Anyhoo, so what were you thinking my nickname should be?" 

"Well, it's not like I can call you Hay, cause then it's like "Hey, Hay!" And that's just retarded. Then I thought den, like Denny, maybe? But then it's just like stupid. Like a den in a house? but Denny is kind of cute, babe." His face looked shocked when he said that last word. He called me babe. That shouldn't be so weird, but I've already decided we weren't in a relationship. He knows that. But it still bugs me. 

"Did you just call me--" 

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I guess I just forgot who I was talking to." He told me, upset. 

"No, no, it's fine. It's not that big of deal. My boyfriend used to call me that, that's all. What boyfriend  didn't? It was just weird hearing someone else say it to me." I explained, and sort of covered up my actual reason with something else. 

"I didn't mean to. I used to call my girlfriend that too, so I guess it was an old habit." He said, kind of mad at himself. 

"Well, I guess you can call me babe. It'll be an inside joke." I attempted to make him smile. "If not, I like Denny. It's more manly than Hayden, but who cares?" 

"Sounds good. I'll just switch off depending on what mood I'm in, I guess." He finally smiled again. "Another thing... I'm not allowed to shake your hand, punch your arm, hug you, pick you up, or I'm assuming kiss you cause that would be awkward... So how I am supposed to say goodbye to you, or greet you? I'm not gonna high five you, and typically when people leave each other they hug or when they say hello to each other they shake hands. What am I supposed to do that doesn't involve touch?" 

I saw what he meant, I'm strict on that sort of thing. No touching whatsoever. "Why do you have to do something? Can't we just like stare each other in the eyes or something? Like communicate through blinking?" I teased him. 

"Now, that would be a good idea. But what if the signal is like three blinks and I start spazztically blinking and you get confused and think I'm just normally blinking?" 

"I've got it!" An idea hit me like a ton of bricks. "What if we like tapped toes?" It sounded stupid out loud but if you thought of how it could actually turn out, it'd be great. 

"You want me to kick you, and you kick me back? What?" He started dying of laughter. I giggled a little too. 

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. No, I mean like this." I gently tapped the top of his shoe with the bottom of mine. "It could be done differently each time, but for now that works." 

"Hmm. I like it." 

We kept talking and talking and talking. I typically don't talk that much, I get too annoyed after a while. But, when I was talking to him it was different. It felt like we could talk about anything and it would still be entertaining. We had already started walking back to my house, and stepped up the concrete stairs.

"So." He said. 

"So." I replied, leaning back on my heels, noticing his hands were in his pockets. "This is my house." I awkwardly pointed to my front door.

"Really? I thought this was some strangers house I was dropping you off at. My mistake." 

"Shut up, smart one." I stuck my tongue out at him, and he did the same to me. 

"Will I ever see you again?" He dramatically asked.

"I supposeee. We can go get fro-yo sometime. Cause I'm addicted." 

"Alright then. Bye, Denny." 

"Bye, kid." I started to back up towards my door. In one swift motion Connor tapped the top of my shoe, and turned around and walked the other direction, heading for the house next to mine. 

It was the most simple motion ever. Anybody could miss something that small. 

But I wouldn't miss that for anything in the world. 

~Author's note: AAHHHHH. They're so cute. #Cayden lol jk.... They're not together;) Anybody realize she still has his sweater?!? Remember that! Could come into play within the next chapters! I hope y'all enjoyed! I had fun writing it! luv u, as always. .xx~

I cant even... Connor Franta. (fan fiction of course)Where stories live. Discover now