prologue part 1

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Five years ago

Riley pov

Beep! Beep! Beep! As my alarm clock woke me up out of another very good dream. I turn over to see my clock the time was 6:50. Wait 6:50! " shit I'm late to and for school! " I said with that I literally hopped out of bed. I went in my closet and got whole outfit for today (see picture above).

Today is the day of me and my boyfriend for four years Brendon anniversary, this also the day that me and my best friends formed our band Fall Out Boy. See my friend Pete came up with the name but my other best friends Patrick, Joe, and Andy said no because it wasn't fair to me and that I'm the only girl in the band. So to help Pete I convinced them that yes I'm the only girl in the band but I think that it would be ironic because I'm a girl. So long story short that is out bands name, just kidding that's not how it went down but anyway today is also the day that me, Patrick, Pete, Joe, and Andy became best friends. It's funny that all these important events are on one day but that gives us a big way to celebrate. Before I could head out the door I checked to see if I had everything.

In this case I did so I grabbed my skateboard and helmet. I did get to school late but not very late. I'm a senior in high school along with Brendon Patrick Pete Joe and Andy. When I get to the school I run in the halls like it was no tomorrow. When I get to the hallway where my history class was I still ran I quickly open the door and go in.

" late again Ms. Matthews? " Mr. Way said " alarm. Broken. I. Think. So. Over. Slept. Sorry. Way. " I said in between breaths. " sit Ms. Matthews no detention unlike your friends Mr. Throman and Mr. Wentz " he said sternly I sat in my regular seat next to Patrick, Pete, Joe, and Andy.
" okay class " Mr. Way began to talk again. But I wasn't listening I was too busy writing notes to the " so what happened? " I wrote and passed it to Pete " we may have got in trouble we were mocking Mr. Way you had to be there " Pete wrote " I wish I was " I wrote back. I was going to pass it back but Mr. Way took it. " Ms. Matthews I let you off with a warning now you haven't been here for five minutes and you already are in trouble " Mr. Way said " well Mr. Way what can I say I'm a trouble child " I said
" well Ms. Matthews don't do it again otherwise you'll be in detention with Mr. Throman and Mr. Wentz " he said sternly again. This time I paid attention. After me and Pete had chemistry, then Joe, Andy and I had English. After that came the best part of the day lunch.

Today was me and Pete's favorite lunch day. So being the friend I am I had to find him. Joe and Andy were walking like turtles and it was getting on my nerves. " can you guys walk any faster we have to find Pete! It's pizza day! " I said " well you can find him we have to get to our lockers " Andy said " fine see you later " I said running off as I looked on the second floor for Pete because I knew he had math. But he was nowhere to be seen. So I looked on the third floor because Patrick had advance math I knew Pete was going to get Patrick. They were nowhere to be seen. I saw Brendon but I just walked passed him, this was no time for a stop and talk chat that could happen later. But he saw me, " Riley babe happy anniversary " Brendon said " thanks, you too, gotta run to find Pete it's Pizza day in the cafeteria I still love you though " I said running. After looking around the whole school I gave up and went to the cafeteria. But when I got there it was a tragedy. There was no more pizza! So I went outside on the bleachers. Five minutes later someone sat next to me. " want some pizza smiley Riley " a voice said next to meI recognized that voice it was Patrick's voice. " hi Pattycakes yes I want pizza but the school is out " I said " we knew that that's why Pete is giving you the three last slices of the box " Patrick said I look behind me and see Pete holding a box of pizza. " here you go smiley Riley " Pete said I set the pizza down and hugged him tightly. " yay! thanks Pete I love you! I love pizza and I love you! But I love pizza more oh god! I love you! " I said I still had him in my grip so I gave him kisses on his face. " Riley stop he gets it you love pizza as much as he does you're killing the boy " Joe joked I let go of Pete " will you marry me? " I said what a girl can't love pizza. Everyone laughed and I stood up and shouted " I'M RILEY PEIRCE MATTHEWS AND I LOVE PIZZA AND PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ THE PIZZA GOD! " I yelled this time we all laughed " eat you're pizza Riley " Pete said " okay " I said eating the pizza in the box.

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