part 13

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A month later

Riley POV

Today is the day I go back to school. Finally believe it or not this month was crazy. My mom told me that my dad died but that was a lie. See it turns out he left after he went to the hospital to see me when I was born. The reason he's back was to see me but I think that is also a lie. I'm so fed up with people who are the closest to me. Andy, Joe, and Patrick are keeping a secret because Brenden and his friends beat the crap out of Patrick and Joe. Brenden also decided to keep that from me and that's not all he's cheating again! I also found this out because the bastard call the phone by mistake while he was talking to the slut he slept with. They all don't know that I know but they will today. I only know because they were telling Pete but I was 'asleep' on Pete's couch on afternoon and I just so happen to be up during that. I'm gonna dump Brenden and beat him to a pulp! The lies people tell to me. I'm sick and tired of them. I got dressed in something that I would look well the opposite of me in. Which would be me waring pink because I hate the color and my best friends including Brenden knows that.

 Which would be me waring pink because I hate the color and my best friends including Brenden knows that

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After that I got keys to my new car that my dad gave me. Yep during the month I was suspended he bought me a car. Only so I can forgive him and my mom. I'm still mad but hey a car is a car. My mom she gave me money and I got an I'm not grounded card. During my suspension my parents found out that I was suspended. Anyway I went outside and went across the street to Becca's house and knocked on the door. She opened the door and walked to my car. She knew my dislike of pink and also knew my plan. " they are gonna die seeing you in that " Becca said " I know that's why I had you put those clothes in my gym locker " I said as we drove to school.

I didn't see Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy. But it was like wherever I went kids talked about me, screamed, walked into walls, walked into people, even fell. As soon as I came to Mr. Way's class even he was wide eyed he also screamed and that's when I saw Andy, Patrick, Joe, and Pete. They saw me and they screamed. I sat in the seat right next to Pete and Joe. " Ms. Matthews what is the meaning this what are you up to " Mr. Way asked " why nothing Mr. Way I'm just trying a new color that's all is it a crime to try pink " I lied " I sopused not but if you're lying then I won't hesitate but to give you detention for a week with me " he said " okay " I said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Andy POV

Something isn't right Riley hates pink she hates it so much that she would die in it. She'd would never ware it the only time she ever wore pink was..., never. I never saw her in pink! Something isn't right but I don't know what. Joe, Pete, Patrick and I plan to tell Riley what happened to Joe and Patrick. The only reason I didn't want to tell her while she was suspended is so she wouldn't do anything illegal. Whatever Riley is up to it can't be good. We're all doomed. I'm really am worried about Riley this is not good at all.

Time skip to lunch

It was raining outside so me, Patrick, Joe, and Pete sat at our inside lunch table. Riley this time was dressed up in black and white and she sat by Brenden and not us. This is not a good day for them. " why isn't she over by us " Pete asked " I don't know but it can't be good " I said

Riley POV

Yep I changed my outfit if you think I was gonna ware pink for a day well than I'd be dead. I went and sat by Brenden and his friends " hey babe " Brenden said with his smile the smile that made me happy but now I just want to crush him. " I thought you were sitting with Pete, Joe, Andy, and Patrick " he said " well I thought I'd come and sit with you " I said with a fake smile " hey Riley will you go and get me some milk I forgot it " he lied there was milk on his tray but I got something else in mind. I got his milk, opened it and poored it on his head. " I hope you had a good time with that slut two weeks ago ass hole " I said " Riley what are you talking about " he lied he made me really mad than I was " bullshit " I said and Ryan was laughing " oh don't you start laughing Ryan I know what you did to Patrick and Spencer and Dallon I know what you and Brenden did to Joe " I said which shut them up " Riley calm down we didn't do anything to your friends " Brenden said " lies " " no it isn't and I told you I'd never cheat on you I love you babe " he said " lies " " would I ever lie to you Riley " he said " yes because everything you say is a fucking lie I know what you and your friends did and that was not fucking okay Joe might piss you off but he's a good guy and Patrick is a nice guy that might be the nicest kid in school I might have messed up with Pete but this is. Not okay and now you want to buck diled me while your fucking a slut you have some nerve well you know what I'm done with you now hou can be the fuck boy you want to b-- " he cut me off with a slap which made me angry so I punched him in the nose. And so the fight continued until Ms. Heart came. " Ms. Matthews and Mr. Urie oh and Mr. Ross, Smith, and Weeks can come my office now " she said in her angered tone.

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