part 5

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Pete POV

" Pete what are we gonna do Riley is part of the bands music it's not going to sound the same anymore " Joe said " don't worry Riley is the one who left and she never did because Jessica is going to sing and she's going to make us pop at the dance " I said " now everyone this is Jessica. Jessica come on " I called her in and she came. " hi " she said " hi I'm Patrick " Patrick introduce himself " I'm Joe " Joe said " and that is Andy he's quiet at times " I said " well it's nice to meet you all Pete won't stop talking about you guys expecially that Riley girl " she said " well let's get started.

Riley POV

My black eye disappeared over night. Today is the dance Patrick told me that Pete had Jessica taking my place in the band. I didn't care because I'm good my own I don't need him.... Though that is a lie. I do care, I wasn't good on my own and I needed my Petey. I haven't told Brendon what happened yet so he still thinks that I'm gonna be at the dance. I need to talk to Pete he was my best friend, yes Patrick, Joe, and Andy are my best friends too. But me and Pete had a really good bond and now it went down like the city of Atlantis. Now I have to change my plan for today, I didn't want to go to the dance. I didn't want to go in the first place the only reason I was going was because of the gig at the dance. I guess I'm not going now. As I lay in my room not knowing what the hell I am gonna do today. There was nothing but silence in my room, I can hear a lot even the door bell ring. No one was up at this time but me so I open the door and rush downstairs. I open the door to see a girl the skin was peanut butter she looked like was my height and age, she also had brown hair or sandy brown hair I'm not sure and it was straight, she wore a white shirt and jeans I'm not going into detail on how her outfit looks. (See picture above) She looked cool to be honest. And to tell the truth never seen her around. " hi I'm Becca short for Rebecca but call me Becca and I'm you're new neighbor " she said " hi I'm Riley " I said smiling " hey you want to come in and hang out " I asked " sure just let me tell my mom I'll be over here I don't want to worry her " Becca said leaving I close the door and sit on the coach and wait five minutes later there was a knock at the door I got up and opened it revealing Becca. " she said yes now let's play 21 questions " she said I let her in and we played in the living room.

An hour later

I learned a lot about Becca she raps and sings, she also dances, she moved from New York city, her and her boyfriend broke up because he was kissing someone else, she's my age, and she is going to my school Monday. " so why are you at home on a Saturday? " she asked " I was supposed to be at my dance tonight but I quit my band and my best friend had his girlfriend replace me and besides dances aren't my thing anyway " I said. " why don't you go with your boyfriend? " she asked " he knows they aren't my thing so he doesn't bother asking, I don't want to go, and he doesn't know that I quite the band " I answerd " did you want to go for the gig? " she asked " well yeah this was for the band " I answered again " girl if you don't show up you can't rub it in you're friends face to show them that you don't need them then let them run back to you. And if you don't it'll show that you are weak and they'll let you back only in sympathy " she said " okay well then let's go to the dance " I said " oh wait I don't have a dress " Becca said " me either to the mall but we need my moms car " I said

Patrick POV

The band is gonna go down. Pete had Jessica take Riley's place in the band. Boy was that a terrible ideas out of all of Pete's ideas. Jessica can sing and she can play a good acoustic guitar. But she is a bitch and a brat! For one we decided to use what a catch Donnie for tonight and she tried to make changes to the lyrics and Pete let her! Pete, Riley, and I wrote that song because I had to lose weight and people were being mean about it. And he just let her change the song! I swear one more lyric changes and I'm walking out the band. Joe, Andy, and I don't like her. Besides no one can take Riley's place. We don't know what Pete was thinking when he said Riley was replaceable but boy was he wrong! Thank god it was the end of band practice because I can't have her be here. Riley was better and I think I love her. Yes I'm with Elisa but she wants Brendon the reason why she's holding on to me so when Brendon and Riley finally break up she can have Brendon. I found that out two months ago but she doesn't know that I know.

" see you later Jess " Pete said " so what do you think of Jessica better than Riley huh? " Pete said I can see the sorrow and longing for Riley in his eye he misses her but he doesn't want to show it. Me, Joe, and Andy can see it. " uh she's alright " Joe said " alright she's an Aphrodite! And she's talented " Pete said " stop lying to yourself Pete " Andy supposedly mumbled but we all heard it. " what " he said you can see the anger in his eyes " I said stop lying to yourself Pete " he said " how am I lying to myself? " he asked getting angry " Pete we all know that Jessica is a bitch, the music isn't the same anymore without Riley, you can't replace her like a record in the band and in you're heart " Andy said " I'm not replacing her in my heart and Jessica is different from that whore! " he said " hey don't call her that " Joe said " Pete we know you still love her " Joe said " okay fine you're right I do okay but I'll never get to have her! She still is with that fuck boy! " Pete said which ment I can't get a chance with her. Besides Pete was first in line even if Riley and Brenden brake up Pete would have his chance with her and if they go out and break up then that would mean I can never go out with her. Because it's wrong to date you're friends ex. " let's get ready for the dance and hopefully Riley will be there " I said " like that's ever likely " Pete said " okay fine if she's not we go after " I said me and the guys all agreed and we went home.

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