part 19

11 0 0

Three days later

Pete pov

I've got good news Riley and Ryan are not dating. And today we are going to play at the lounge. Riley is not here yet the song we're singing is the first song we wrote as a band it was about Riley. I hope we get signed and by the end of this year I hope Riley realizes that I love her. I can't be with Jessica I've tried to facus on her but my heart will always love Riley.

Riley POV

Okay today is the day Fall Out Boy plays at the lounge. Becca and Diana are helping me get ready well they were in my closet picking out my outfit they've been in there for an hour. " okay after an hour " Becca began " we have picked out your out fit that says you " Diana continued " and the band " Becca finished as they set the outfit on my bed.

it was nice the dress was purple with velvet fabric and it went off my shoulder. They got purple knee socks, my leather jacket,and black leather boots. To match they got a black chocker with a pendent on it with black hoop earings, and black lace-ups fingerless gloves. After I got dress Becca and Diana did my makeup then Hayley knocks on my window I let her in, " why didn't you use the door? " I asked " I don't know this way was fun " she answers " wow you look like a pop punk princess " Hayley said " oh we know that's why we came up with the look " Becca said then there was a knock at the door. " I'll get it " Diana said after a minute Diana comes up with Rya who is holding a rose. " hey Riley.... Wow your really look beautiful " he said and that made me blush " thanks Ry " I said " can I talk to you alone? " he asked " sure " I said " we'll go but we better know what's going on " Diana said as she, Hayley, and Becca walked out my room closing the door. " okay Riley I like you and not as a friend more than a friend ever since you Brendon started going out and you had sat at our table and I was wondering if you'd like to_ be my girlfriend " he explained I didn't know what to say I don't think that I like Ryan like that but maybe I should give him a chance besides what would the guys say? What would Pete say? " I'll think about it Ryan I'm sorry but I don't know if I think of you in that way but I think you can be a good boyfriend " I said " okay I understand take all the time you need " he said " oh and this is for you " he said handing me the rose I went downstairs and put it in a vase and I forgot that Becca, Diana, and Hayley were here and Ryan. " well guys I'm off " I said " k we'll see you there in fifteen " Hayley said and with that I was out the door. Then I realized that I forgot my phone I went back inside went upstairs and grabbed my phone. Then I was good to go.

I get there and see Pete and Patrick. " Pete hey you ready? " I said " are you " he asked " he's nervous " Patrick said " ohh... I understand we've played live before " I said " but this is different this is for the future " he said " don't worry just focus on something else " I said " like what? " " um... I don't know how about me? " I said then I noticed Pete started to clam down. " hey guys we got a problem " Joe and Andy said " what is it " " well um... Joe and I might have lost the lyrics to Grand theft autumn " Andy said " you what! " I yelled " well they are wet and at home drying " Joe said I'm trying so hard not to kill them both. " well now what " Patrick asked " we leave " Pete said " no we stay we can do another song " Andy said
" yeah we can do sugar we're going down " Joe said " no Pete just wrote that song and we only practice that song once " I explained " we can do that " Pete said " are you sure " I asked " yeah we were born for it " he said " well let's go play were already set up " Patrick said

There were more people than I'd imagine, even most of our school came. I also can see Ms. Jackson Mr. Way and Ms. Heart even all the teachers. " okay this is a song for the girl that I love this song is called sugar were going down hope you like it " Pete said


Am I more than you bargained for yet
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song


(A notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)

Drop a heart, break a name
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team


We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging


I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it

Is this more than you bargained for yet
Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song


(Notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song)

Drop a heart, break a name
We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team

Me and Patrick
We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it


Down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it


We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it


We're going down, down


(down, down)
Down, down


(down, down)


We're going down, down


(down, down)
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it

Me and Patrick

We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet

A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it

We got off stage and we saw the head of Fueled By Ramen. " I might say you guys are talented I would love you to be at my company I'm going to sign you but since you are in high school so when you graduate come to new York and we'll make an album here's my number kids you'll go far and where is your bassist " he explained I'm so happy I'm trying to hold in me exploding. " I'm here " Pete said " okay come and sign the paperwork " the guy said as him and Pete walked off.

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