part 4

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Five months later

Riley POV

Brendon and I stayed together. See the thing was he said he was sorry and he'll never do it again. Being me I took him back, but I am still suspicious of him. The band and I have a gig at the schools valentines day dance. Pete and I have been working on a song called dance, dance. We started talking again. After he told me he knew about Brendon cheating on me I didn't talk to him until he gave us news that we're preforming at the dance. Me and Pete had fun it took us a week to write and the we practiced. We also did some songs that we wrote a long time ago. We were at my house in my basement practicing since the dance is tomorrow. " okay we have every song packed down exsept bang the doldrums " Pete said " so we're gonna do one song today? " Patrick said " oh no then we have to work on the after life of the party and America's sweethearts " Pete said as we all groaned " okay let's get this over with how about we start with bang the doldrums " I said


I wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm
When you passed out
I couldn't bring myself to call
Except to call it quits

Me and Patrick

Best friends
Ex-friends till the end
Better off as lovers
And not the other way around
Racing through the city
Windows down
In the back of yellow checkered cars

Me, Patrick, and Pete

You're wrong
Are we all wrong?


This city says...

Come hell or high water
Well I'm feeling hot and wet
I can't commit to a thing
Be it heart or hospital

Me and Patrick

Best friends
Ex-friends till the end
Better off as lovers
And not the other way around
Racing through the city
Windows down
In the back of yellow checkered cars

Me, Patrick, and Pete
You're wrong
Are we all wrong?

Me and Pete

The tombstones were waiting
They were half-engraved
They knew it was over
Just didn't know the date

Me and Patrick

And I cast a spell over the west to make you think of me
The same way I think of you
This is a love song in my own way
Happily ever after below the waist

Best friends
Ex-friends till the end
Better off as lovers

Racing through the city
Windows down
In the back of yellow checkered cars

Me and Patrick

You're wrong
Are we all wrong?

Best friends
Ex-friends till the end
Better off as lovers
And not the other way around
Ex-friends till the end
better off as lovers

2 hours later

" there better Petey? " I said " no bang the doldrums is not better guys " Pete said " oh it's about be better you son of a- " " it was spectacular " Pete said cutting me off " thank god were do- " " now we have to do the after life of the party and America's sweethearts guys " Pete said cutting me off again " can we take a break damn Pete you must really want us to be good for this dance who cares if we suck we can beat Brendon and his band any day " Joe said " well actually they're music is good " I said " well damn " Joe said " besides there's this girl who I'm taking and I want to impress her name is Jessica and she's very pretty, nice, and smart and pretty " Pete said I felt discussed and mad I didn't know why I just shook it off like it was nothing.

Pete POV

That's right I Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz am in love with someone else. While Riley and I weren't on speaking terms I met a girl named Jessica. She was the exact opposite of Riley and I liked that. She was so much more than Riley and besides Riley is Brendon they never even break up! Riley saw 'the sorrow in his eyes when he said he was sorry and he loved her' and crap! He is lying to her! And she still believes his shity sorrys it made me mad and also realize that she will always love Brendon and I'm gonna be just one of her best friends. So why even bother with chasing some dream that will never happen. " k guys let's go breaks over " I said. " oh come on Pete the pizza is not here yet " Riley whined " did you say- no were going to get these fucking songs right " I said " why can't we stop we have time tomorrow " Patrick said " because I want this to be perfect " I yelled " why Pete she's just a girl " Riley shot up from her seat and yelled back
" SHE'S NOT YOU! SHE'S NOT AN INCONSIDERATE GULLIBLE WHORE AND THAT IS ALSO A WHINEY BITCH WHO IS JEALOUS BECAUSE HER BOYFRIEND IS A FUCK BOY! " I shouted just to hurt her but most of it was the truth. As soon as I said that her hand met my face and it hurt like hell and she also scratched me with her nails. I was really pissed at her I scoffed and chuckled and at that moment my fist met her left eye and it soon turned black. She looked at me as if I was crazy and she was really pissed she punched me in the jaw and kicked me in my knee and tackled me to the ground and punched me in the stomach. Joe and Andy pulled her off me. I got up and grabbed my bass. As soon as I do that she grabbed her stuff.

" you know what I'm going home and you can find someone to take my place in the band " she said before she can grab her song book and guitar " fine we don't need you. you're replaceable anyway " I said as Patrick and Joe gasped and Andy eyes widened. " fine I don't care if I'm so replaceable then find a new friend in our I mean you're circle of friends " she said leaving out the door " fine " I mumbled
" wait a minute this my house so get out " she said " fine " I said getting my bass guitar and my lyric book and walked out the door and went upstairs and out the door and to my car. Riley and I never had a fight like this we never even had a fight. But I know that I just lost my best friend for good.

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