part 18

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Pete pov

" where's Riley? " Joe asked " I don't know but try to call her I've got big news " I said " okay " Joe says my phone goes off I take it out of my pocket and see it's Riley.

Me: Riley where are you?

Riley💜: home why?

Me: home! Riley I've got big news for the band

Riley💜: I can't come today I have a thing

Ryan: hey Riley so do you want to start on the song or tell me about Prince?

Wait she didn't tell me anything about Ryan why is he with her anyway?!

Me: is that Ryan

Riley💜: no he's not here

Me: why are you lying to me I can hear him. So this is the thing you have him!

Riley💜: Pete why are you yelling

Me: because your lying to me and you're with him have you forgot what he did to Patrick?

Riley💜: No I haven't but he's a good guy and I am going to give him a chance and my trust

Me: okay fine but we have a show at the lounge and if the head of Fueled By Ramen likes us we get signed. So have fun on your date!

Riley💜: wait what?! date? Pete I-

After that I hung up on her I was mad more like jealous because every time I get so close to her some other guy steps in and takes her! And she's in love with him! Maybe I should give up on her and start helping Jessica I mean she's still my girlfriend after all so why not be a good boyfriend. " come on guys let's start on the meeting " I said " what about Riley? " Andy said " she's on a date with Ryan " I said " I don't believe it Pete besides I'm okay with her hanging out him Ryan's a good guy " Patrick said " Patrick are you forgetting that he beat you to a pulp " Joe said " only because I let him. Ryan is Brendon's best friend and he didn't want to disappoint Brendon only because he was going to find out that he likes Riley " Patrick said " okay so what really happened in the gym Patrick? " Joe asked

Patrick POV

Flash back

" come on Joe let's go Andy is waiting for us " I said and Brenden and his friends in front of the dorway. " oh no you don't tell me where Riley is " he said
" if she wanted you to know she would've told you " I said " well she's not now where is she fatrick! " he said " oh hell no one call Patrick that I don't care if your Riley's boyfriend I'll kick your ass! you already hurt two of my best friends one of them you still have them in misery! The other is blinded by your fake self don't ever hurt Patrick or my other friends or else! " Joe warned Joe can fight with just enough anger you just have to tick him wayy off.
I decided while they were listening to Joes speech to crawl out and leave and go through the gym. I did make it out. But then Ryan came and he scared me more than Brenden.

" I'm not going to hurt you Patrick I could never do that I respect Riley too much " Ryan said " but aren't you Brendon's best friend? " I asked " yes but he needs know this it was great being his friend " Ryan said I didn't know what he was talking about " I'm saying that I'm in love with your best friend who is his girlfriend " he confessed to me wait I might want Pete with Riley but I can't let Ryan and Brendon's friendship be over which means " Ryan brake my arm and beat me like really bad " I said " what?! No I'm not going to " he said " just do it for me if you like being Brendon's best friend then do it " I said " but Riley will hate me " " she will but she can also forgive people trust me " I said " fine but I'm sorry Patrick " he said and I know he is sorry.

After Ryan left and I alone for five minutes then Joe and Andy came in as I was fake crying " Ryan beat me badly and broke my arm " I said with tears coming down his cheeks. They helped me up without saying a word. Me and Joe had black eyes and he also had a broken arm. We went to the hospital and got a cast on me and Joe's arm. I used make up concealer to hide my black eye and Joe did the same. " okay no one tell Riley about this Joe and Patrick wait until she comes back from her suspension your black eyes aren't like Riley's they are way worse they'll be gone in two months Patrick if Riley asked what happened say you fell down the stairs got it " Andy explained. " okay " me and Joe agreed and from there Andy took us home. And that was one of the most silent drives home. I wondered why did Andy didn't want us to tell Riley the truth maybe Andy knew what would happen that me and Joe don't.

End of flash back

Riley POV

Me and Ryan finished our song now we are watching can't buy me love. " hey Riley so I'll see you tomorrow? " Ryan asked " your leaving? " I asked " yeah it's getting late " he says I looked at the time it was eight thirty " okay I'll walk you out " I said we walked downstairs and hw walked out the door as that happened my parents come in. " who's he? " my dad asked " my project parter for all my classes Ryan " I said " he seems nice better than that Pete guy " " dad he's my best friend besides he has a girlfriend " I explained " well I think you like Pete " my mom said " please we're friends mom best friends nothing more " I said " okay whatever you say " my mom said walking upstairs with my dad. I wonder what made my mom say those last words.

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