part 10

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Riley POV

I didn't go to Becca or Brenden I went to the roof to be alone to clear my mind. I'm confused I'm with Brenden. But I kissed Pete because I wanted to and liked it but I don't know why. I mean I love Brenden right?.... " I knew you'd be here smiley Riley " Pete said " you know me too well " I teased " I know and you also know me too well " he said that was true but then I remember about him and Jessica on the roof. " your right but I didn't know that you have a baby on the way " I said " Riley I'm sorry just please don't tell any of guys I'm going to new York with you guys " he said " no Pete you can't not when you have a baby besides there your best friends just as much as I am " I he knew that I was right and I knew that very well. " fine but please don't tell them I'll tell them just give me until our graduation party " Pete said he is unbelievable sometimes but then again that's Pete " Pete! " I said " please Riley for me after all I'll kept your secret " he said I knew exactly what he was talking about.


It was the summer of fourth grade Patrick, Joe, and Andy went on vacations out the states. Joe, Patrick, and Andy wanted me to watch the stone of luck. They didn't trust it with Pete. If Joe stayed they wouldn't trust it with him either. That stone was lucky but we'd only use it if we actually need it. " bye Riley see ya Pete take care of the stone " How said " yeah don't use if you don't need it " Patrick said " guard it with you life " Andy said " I will bye guys " I said. It was good until Pete and I went to the lake and I have bad luck with water so I brought it with me and I lost it and I made Pete vow not to say anything to them. And we got a decoy rock. And we were the only ones that knew.

Flashback over

" fine but if you don't tell them after then I will " I said " okay " he said after we went back down to the library.

That next day we got up at 3:30 am. We got ready and set up in the auditorium because the roof was to complicated. We also went home to put most of our stuff back. First it was Hayley's band Paramore. Then Panic at the disco. Then Becca, Sarah, and Diana. And for the main event us. But see we all had to go place to place because Principal Heart was on our asses. It wasn't until we came back to the auditorium we got caught. As we were moving Andy had to drum on the wall. Now everyone of us is in the principles office. Ms. Heart was angry she was yelling her head off even her face was red. " now Brenden and your friends out my office you have detention for a month, Hayley and your group of friends same for you three. " she said as they left leaving us. " As for Diana and Becca Diana one month of detention Becca you are new here so your off the hook now leave " she said " Patrick Andy you could've talked them out of this I'm disappointed in you both " she said Andy and Patrick hung their heads down.
" however you two are off the hook, Mr. Throman you have two months of detention with no after school activities amd that is all you my leave " she said which left me and Pete which means hell. " Ms. Matthews and Mr. Wentz you two are suspended Lucky for you I didn't expell you two or have you arrested " she said " thanks ms. Heart " Pete and I said " now your suspension starts now and you come back in a month and I'll be calling your parents now leave " she said we both got up and left. As soon as we both left the office Patrick, Joe, and Andy were there " what did she say? " Andy asked " yeah what Andy said " Patrick said
" suspended for a month " me and Pete said " a month your parents are gonna kill you! " Patrick said " well not if they don't know see my my dad doesn't have the schools number so yeah and mom shuts her phone off and leaves it at home so Ms. Heart will talk to me and you know I sounds like my mom so piece of cake Pete well we'll see him at his funeral his parents are gonna kill him " I explained but I also lied my dad died when I was two my mom said so whenever I talk about my dad I just say that he's always working. " oh my dad does the same thing but mom I got that covered " Pete said " okay we better be going our suspension starts now see ya later " I said " see ya " they all said as me and Pete walked out the school.

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