part 8

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Patrick POV

It was 15 minutes before Me, Andy, Joe, Pete, and Riley almost time to go back in for our last song which was the afterlife of the party. But Pete is M.I.A so we don't know where he is. Riley had to do Pete's part in Americas sweethearts, I've got this ringing in my ear but none in my fingers, and 27. " where is Pete " Joe asked " yeah he missed three songs and a five minute break this isn't like him " I said " yeah has anyone seen Jessica? " Joe asked " nope " Andy said " not since golden " I said " that's right! I cought a glimpse of him leaving I'll go look for him I probably know where he is if I don't come in 10 minutes then start " Riley said " okay go Riley " Joe said

Riley POV

If I am correct if there was two places I'd find Pete it would be on the bleachers on the football field or on the school roof. I went to the bleacher but I didn't find him. But what I did find is Pete's suit jacket that he had on inside. Then I went back in and all the way to the roof. I found him with Jessica but they were talking.

" Pete you have to tell then sooner or later " Jessica said but for some reason she said what she said in a fake way.

" I know but we had a plan Jess they need me besides what if they don't talk to me ever again " Pete said there was something up I didn't know what but it was. Pete was keeping something from us and it can't be good if he hid it from us.

" I know but Pete plans change do you think I planed on to have you're baby besides you don't need them anyways " Jessica said she still sounded fake. I don't believe that Pete is having a baby at all not one bit. I pretended like I wasn't there and just walked up here. " hey Pete we gotta go now you missed three songs and a break " I said " okay let's go Jess " he said as once again we go back to the gym. " oh my gosh my feet hurt " I said " want me to carry you " Pete offered " sure " I jumped into his arm and he carryed me bridal style. " to the gym " I ordered and we were off. " wait you know what go to the gym I'm gonna go to the locker room and get something " I said " okay but hurry we got five minutes " Pete said as he put me down " okay " I said taking off my heals and running bear foot through the hall way to the girls locker room. I an going to change shoses and I had the right just pair. They were black combat boots red ones I never worn them they were new. I remember me having them but I forgot why I haven't worn them. I got to my locker in the locker room. I get my boots and exchanged them for my silver heals. I slammed the door and left as I was leaving I put my boots on and I went to the gym.

I came back in a lick of time. We were ready to preform for the last song of the night. " okay Riley you know what part you come in on right " Pete asked " yes " I said " okay lets do this " Pete said as we got ready. " okay we are Fall out boy and this is our last song of the night unfortunately " Pete said " well hope you guys like it and us " Patrick said " this song is called the afterlife of the party enjoy " I said and we started to play.


I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart
Blood cells pixelate


And eyes dilate


And the full moon pills got me out on the street at night


Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room


Put love on hold,
Young Hollywood is on the other line
Her nose runs ruby red, deaths in a double bed
Singing songs that could only catch the ear of the desperate

Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose


I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart
Blood cells pixelate
And eyes dilate
Kiss away young thrills and kills on the mouths of all my friends

Cut it loose
Watch you work the room
Watch you work the room
Cut it loose

(Watch you work the room)

Cut it lose

I'm a stitch away...

Patrick POV

After the dance everyone left but me, Pete, Joe, Andy, Brenden, Hayley, Diana, Riley, Jessica, Sarah, and Becca " okay now what shows over " Joe said " well we could go out we did tell our parents that the dance ended at nine thirty " Pete said " well I want to go home " Brenden said " me too " Jessica said " well how about you two go Brenden has a car he has to take Sarah home anyway " I said " okay only if Sarah wants to go home or stay with you guys " Brenden said " I want to hang with you guys if that's okay " Sarah said " it's no problem " Riley said " okay then it's settled then I'll take Jessica home " Brenden said " okay so where are we gonna go it's 7:45 " I said " we could go hang on the roof we could party there it would also be a good prank " Riley said " ooh we could sleep in the library and in the morning we have a battle of the bands Hayley's band v.s our band v.s Brendens band " Pete said " well I don't know we could get in serous trouble " I said " that's the point Hayley you in? " Riley asked " you know it " Hayley said " Diana, Becca, Sarah you in " Pete asked " yeah maybe we can work on our own group " Diana said " okay that sounds cool " Becca said " I agree "Sarah said
" okay Brenden is in " Riley said
" okay everyone is in but.... Patrick " Pete said everyone looked at me with there sad faces I couldn't take it anymore so I'm giving in " okay I'm in " I said and everyone cheered. I have a feeling that this is not gonna go well.

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