part 20 part 1

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Two months later

Pete POV

Riley and Ryan are dating. Have been for two months this is what I was talking about every time I get close fate moves me far from her. Jessica had her baby a month ago it's a girl her name is Abby. Prom is tonight I wasn't going to go but Jessica wanted to and it turns out that Jessica and Ryan are related but I've got my eye on him. Ever since Riley and Ryan dated there's something off with him. Not just him either it's with Riley too.

You know what screw the right moment, screw getting close to Riley, screw everything with my heart! I'm going to tell Riley I love her tonight! And nothing will be in my way.

Riley POV

" okay guys who are you taking to prom? " Hayley said we were in the gym setting up for prom.
" I'm going with Joe " Marie said " Patrick " " Mikey Way " Diana said " no way Mr. Ways son? " I said " yep " Diana said " I'm going with Brendon " Sarah said then everything went quite and looked at me " what I'm okay with it besides I'm with Ryan " I said " oh good " Hayley said " I'm going to go with Andy " Becca said " so he finally had the guts to ask you huh? " I teased " yep " Becca said " Hayley who are you going with " Elisa asked " Taylor " I knew she had a thing for him. " I knew you liked him " me and Diana said in unison. " well let's finish the gym. " how is the campaign going Riley " Marie said " good she's in second place for the running " Diana answered " nice well you have out votes " Hayley said " thanks. I didn't know that the school liked me that much " I said

Ryan POV

Me and Riley have been dating for two months. I feel bad for doing it because my sister asked me to and now Riley know that Jessica is my sister. But after spending all this time with her I noticed that she had a thing for Pete she just doesn't know herself. See I invited her over for dinner and Pete was there. Jessica started to boss Pete around and Riley got really mad and Jessica kissed him and she got jealous and hurt. So she threw water in Jessica's face and left and Pete followed. Long story short they started to argue. Riley may not know it but I can see she loves Pete. Pete also loves Riley his love for her is clear as day. He maybe with my sister and he may have some small feelings for her. But I can tell he's been in love with her for a long time. I maybe hurt after this but Pete saw her first and Riley has to be with the person she truly loves. I'm going to tell her everything even what Jessica is going to do. I have a plan but I'm going to need back up I'm going to call Brendon, Patrick, Joe, and Andy.

" so you called us so we can help you set up Pete and Riley together? " Brendon asked " yes because I realized that she loves him " I said " well join the club " Andy said " okay were in what's the plan " Brendon asked so I told them the plan after a hour of explaining. " wait someone has to distract her " Patrick said " hey why don't we get Megan, Diana, Hayley, Marie, Elisa, Sarah, and Becca in on this they can help and distract her " Andy said " that's good tell Becca have them help " I said
" we better get ready for prom " Brendon said " yeah I have to pick Riley up in a hour " I agreed they all started to leave as I went upstairs and got ready.

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