part 7

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Riley POV

After me and Patrick was going to do golden but we were taking a 15 minute break. Then Becca came to the stage. " wow you guys are amazing " Becca said " why thank you they are the magic I just give them the spark " I said " actually you're the spark and the magic Riley " Patrick said " guys this is my new friend and neighbor Rebecca but call her Becca " I said " hi " she said smiling and shaking everyones hands when she got to Andy they both blushed like ruby red. " well as soon as they get the piano and the break is over with were doing golden " Patrick said " well I'm going to go find Brendon I'm pretty sure he's here " I said I saw him leaving the gym and I followed him out the door. " hey Brenny boo " I said " hey Riley " he said sadly I wonder what was wrong. " what's wrong " I asked " nothing just tired " he lied
" tired? You of all people at a dance from what I hear you stay until it's over " I said " you don't believe me do you? " he asked
" not one bit " I said " listen I can't be in there with you and Pete whatever it is- " whoa you're accusing me of cheating Brendon you fucked the whole cheer team for crying out loud and frankly I can't say that I can trust you. I have trusted you I loved you and I still do so you can't say I'm cheating on you with Pete because we're just friends " I cut him off " you're right I'm sorry let's go back in darlin' " he said walking away grabbing my hand and spinning me. As we went back in the gym. " hey you don't mind if I brought Sarah right? " he said of course I don't mind Sarah is nice and I feel bad that she gets teased a lot sometimes if Emma and Heather (the bitch that wants attention who also fucked my boyfriend) pushes her around I tell them off. " no I don't but you better save a dance for me later lover boy " I said walking back on stage. " okay Trick I'm doing piano right or are you " I asked " me I'll sing when you start and I saw god cry K? " he said " sir yes sir " I said as I solute him. I went up to my purple and black rindstone (which I put on myself) microphone. " okay so all you lovers out there you might want to grab the person you love and dance this song is called golden Pete wrote this himself so enjoy " I said


How cruel is the golden rule?
When the lives we lived are only golden-plated. And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me. Though I carried karats for everyone to see.

Me and Patrick

And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies
And all the lovers with no time for me
And all of the mothers raise their babies
To stay away from me


Tongues on the sockets

Me and Patrick

of electric dreams


Where the sewage of youth drowned the spark of my teens
And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me


(too heavy for me)


Though I carried karats for everyone to see


(everyone to see)

Me and Patrick

And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies
And all the lovers with no time for me
And all of the mothers raise their babies
To stay away from me


And pray they don't grow up to be...

Pete POV

As I was slow dancing with Jessica I was thinking about Riley. I know that's messed up but have you seen the situation I'm in? I can't just dump her and leave. And even if I did what about 'Brenny Bo' god even those words made me cringed. I gave Riley a warm glare as her voice sang softly. After the song was over I went to walk the halls alone.

Riley POV

" Riley " a familiar voices said to me turned to see Hayley and Diana. Hayley and I are cool and Diana and I weren't after all she also slept with Brendon once. " hi Hayley " I said " oh come on talk to Diana we miss hanging out as girls " Hayley said " no I'm not and besides I have a new friend and she lives right next door from me her name is Becca " I said " oh the girl you came in with well I will go talk to her and you two talk " Hayley said skipping off to Becca " so Riley... " Diana started to say but I walked off and exit out the gym. " Riley please I'm sor- " " you're sorry really! You fucked my boyfriend and you're sorry? " I said " yes but see Riley I was at a party and wasted as fuck and next thing I know I'm next to him if I could take it back I could I'm sorry " she said she had a point but she could've at least told me I want to forget this but I can't I wish I could forgive Diana but I can't it's just too much. " you could've told me that this happened why didn't you? " I asked " because I was scared of what you'll do you have a very high temper and you're very scary even most the nerds leave in your presences " she explained " hey I'm not scary maybe you should stop being a scary cat " I said and we both laughed for the first time in five months " so am I forgiven? " she asked " Diana I want to forgive you but I can't I'm still hurt 50% of the time I can't forgive Pete or Brenden but I'll try to forgive you " I said " okay I understand " she said tilting her head down
" oh so no hug? " I asked playfully she turned around with joy and huged me " now let's go I have a show to do in two minutes " I said as we went back in the gym.

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