Part 9

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Riley POV

The guys and Hayley and Diana left to go get there stuff. Soon Brenden, Ryan, Spencer, and Dallon came with there stuff. They went to the art room. Soon Patrick, Pete, Joe, and Andy came back. Me and Becca went home. When we got there it was 8:45.
" okay Becca do you know how to climb up to your bedroom window? " I asked " yep " she said " okay meet you back here in 5 k " I said " okay " she said as we slit up. I always Leave my bed room window open. I may or may not have done this since I was ten but no biggie. I climbed up the tree by my window and got in from there. I got my school bag and a duffle bag and packed.

I got my song book and my skate board, helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. after I went back out the window and to my mom's car. Becca came out as soon as I did, " ready to go " I asked as she put her stuff in the back seat and we were off to the school. When we got there I showed Becca where the music room was and then I went to the library. " hey guys " I said walking in but then I saw them eating pizza. I playfully gasped dramatically and put my hand on my chest and pretended to be hurt. " you had pizza! without me! you traders! Shame on you! " I said dramatically and they laughed " don't worry smiley Riley smwe saved you some " Pete said " yay! Pizza and that is why you the pizza god " I said and they laughed again " all hail the Pete the pizza God " I said " okay let's play dare " Joe said " okay I'm in " I said " me too so I can get back at Joe for last time we played " Pete said " okay fine by me " Andy said " I'm in " Patrick said " okay I'll go first since it was my idea. Pete I dare you to make out with Riley with tongue and I'll video tape it " Joe said me and Pete's eyes went wide " what the fuck no way Joe! Are you crazy Riley is with Brenden you know he used to beat the crap out of me no! " Pete said " yeah no Joe " I said I didn't want to kiss Pete but at the same time I did " okay I'll go since Joe bro wants to be a hoe " I said " okay Patrick I dare you to..... go in Mr. Ways room and spook him a little " I said " okay I dare Andy to get Becca's number " Patrick said and Andy blushed " well I dare Joe to sing like Patrick " Andy said as he and Patrick left.

Pete POV

" well I dare Pete my first dare and record it " Joe said " well I dare Riley to.... Give Brenden a lap dance! " I said Riley's eyes went wide " really Pete? really Joe? " Riley asked " yes! " they said " okay then you first Joe " I said. Joe sang bang the doldrums but terribly no one would ever be good as Patrick he sang and sang as we recorded but then I had enough. " okay that's it Joe no more " I said he stopped and smirked " okay Wentz let's make out " Joe said " I'm not okay with it if Riley isn't okay " I said I didn't want to do. But to get it over with for Pete. I quickly grabbed his face to face mine. I grabbed his cheeks and smashed my lips into his roughly. Pete kissed back with passion. At first it was rough but then we took it slow. It was like fire and I melted into the kiss I was enjoying this so much. I didn't want it to end but I didn't know why. But then he pulled apart from me and I felt my cheeks get hot. I saw Pete blush " Pete I'm not doing your dare " I said. I got up trying not to see Joe's face and leaving the library.


Me and Pete just stood there in silence. Wow I'm a great match maker. I can't believe that she kissed Pete! Maybe Riley does like Pete but she's doesn't want him to know or she doesn't know it yet. Either way she feels the same way about Pete. I am a love genius. " hey guys where's Riley? And why are you guys standing there " Andy asked " he got Becca's number " Patrick said

Pete POV

Patrick and Andy came in the library, Joe was out of shock and as for me I was in still in shock. The guys just stare at me while I was trying to figure out what just happened. " Pete what's up " Patrick said. " she kissed me " I said " who kissed you " Andy asked " Riley " Joe said " that's good dude " Andy said " wait where is Riley? " Andy asked again " she left where I don't know I'm gonna go find her " I said I walked out the library and into the hallway. I went to the music room but she wasn't there. I figured she might go to Brenden so I went to the art room, I nocked on the door. It opened revealing Ryan.
" hey Pete come in " he said letting me in. I scanned the room looking for Riley. " hey have you guys seen Riley? " I asked. " no why what happened did you guys fight again " Brenden asked shit I can't tell him what happened first he'd kick my ass and probably dump Riley. But that isn't a bad thing I mean I get my ass kicked and he dumps Riley and that gives me time to ask her out. But then again Riley loves Brenden. But my real question is did she wanted to kiss me? or did she do it because of a bet? " um... Pete what happened to Riley? " Brenden asked as he snapped me out my thoughts " no we just need her " I lied " okay well go " Brenden said I left the art room. There was only one place I haven't checked yet and that was the roof.

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