Part 3

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Pete POV

After Riley told us what went down with Brendon I was mad. I also felt guilty because I knew he was cheating on her. We finally got to Riley's house and she went in. " dude I swear Brendon is a dead man " Patrick said " yeah he really hurt Riley " Joe said " yeah but she is strong and we know that behind her anger that she wants to cry " Andy said " hey Pete why are you quite? " Patrick asked " I knew Brendon was cheating on Riley but it wasn't just with Emma it was the whole cheer leading squad well exsept Elisa Patrick " I confessed " you knew about it and you didn't tell her! " Patrick said " Brendon was beating me up why do you Gus think I end up with bruises on me and black eyes once a month sometimes it's twice " I said " well tell her that tonight because we're not " Patrick said " I know " I said then Riley came out the house with her stuff Andy opened the trunk and Riley gets in the car and we drive in silence. I waited until everyone was out the car to talk to her " Riley I need to tell you something " I said " okay hit meh Pete " she said " I knew Brendon was cheating on you he beat me up so I won't tell you but it's not just with Emma its the whole squad well exsept Elisa " I confessed she just stared at me and left the car.

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