part 12

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Pete POV

Riley and I are at a pizza place eating we decided to go to the arcade after pizza. The song that wrote was about Riley. Almost all the songs I start off were about her she was my muse. Haven't you ever fallen in love with someone that you just so happen that they kissed you only for a dare and now you want to kiss that person again because they have became a drug to you. Well if you have then you know how I feel if you don't then this sucks. I hate being in the friend zone, I hate that Riley doesn't love me as much as I love her. I wish Riley can think of me the same way I think of her. " hey Pete you look down what's up I thought you loved pizza? " Riley asked " I do but I'm just not feeling well " I lied I couldn't tell her what was going on at least not now. " okay then we can go back to your place and watch a movie were out of school now so let's go maybe we can watch a movie in your room " she suggested " no let's go to the arcade " I said
" okay if you say so Pete. Hey you know you tell me anything right? I won't tell Pete " she said " yeah " I replied

Patrick POV

" I can't wait until later I wanna see how Pete and Riley are doing on their month off of school " Joe said " oh we can't visit them they are out together for the after noon " I explained Joe and I were in the locker room getting ready to go home. " finally they go on a date " Joe said " why would they Riley is with Brendon " I said
" because Riley kissed him for a minute and their in love " Joe said being the cocky teasing person he is. But I forgot about that kiss. " okay just because they kissed doesn't mean their in love " I said " okay but Pete loves her so we need Riley to fall for Pete " Joe said grinning like a ChestTire cat. I rolled my eyes at that and began to put on my shoes Joe put his on as well. Andy had already left to the parking lot. He doesn't like to dress in front of people.
" well you can do that because I'm not gonna let you metal in whatever they have going on " I said I am too mature to metal in that. Besides I don't love her I guess I was confused at the time with compassion and loyalty. That made me think I love her. But that's not why I'm not helping Joe. I know that deep inside Riley loves Pete but she doesn't know that yet and I want her to realize that on her own. Joe here would make her uncomfortable and make her stay and see Pete as a friend.
" come on Joe let's go Andy is waiting for us " I said and Brenden and his friends in front of the dorway. " oh no you don't tell me where Riley is " he said
" if she wanted you to know she would've told you " I said " well she's not now where is she fatrick! " he said " oh hell no one call Patrick that I don't care if your Riley's boyfriend I'll kick your ass! you already hurt two of my best friends one of them you still have them in misery! The other is blinded by your fake self don't ever hurt Patrick or my other friends or else! " Joe warned Joe can fight with just enough anger you just have to tick him wayy off.
I decided while they were listening to Joes speech to crawl out and leave and go through the gym. I did make it out. But then Ryan came and he scared me more than Brenden.


" of else what " Brenden said " or my fist will meet your face " I said " that is a promise " I continued he chuckled " do I have to kick your ass like I did Wentz " he asked " he could've kicked your ass because he is strong but he didn't he respected Riley and loved her too much to beat you to a pulp! And he knew she could never forgive him but I'm not like Pete so I'll be glad to kick your ass! " I spat. He pushed me up against the lockers and was about to lunch me I kicked him and he let go. I tackled him to the ground and punched him in the lip. Then Dallon and Spencer jumped on me they were beating me senseless. Then Someone jumped on my arm I screamed in pain. Until it stopped by none other than.
" Andy dude " I said " I came back to see how you and Patrick were doing and I see this speaking which where is Patrick " Andy asked with a worried look " I don't know I'd figured if he got out he'd come to you " I said
" well he didn't we need to find him let's go in the gym " Andy said we went to the gym and there stood Patrick on the ground crying. " Ryan beat me badly and broke my arm " he said with tears coming down his cheeks. We helped Patrick up without saying a word. Me and Patrick had black eyes and he also had a broken arm. We went to the hospital and got a cast on Patrick's arm. I used make up concealer to hide my black eye and Patrick did the same. " okay no one tell Riley about this Joe and Patrick wait until she comes back from her suspension your black eyes aren't like Riley's they are way worse they'll be gone in two months Patrick if Riley asked what happened say you fell down the stairs got it " Andy explained. " okay " me and Patrick agreed and from there Andy took us home. And that was one of the most silent drives home. I wondered why did Andy didn't want us to tell Riley the truth maybe Andy knew what would happen that me and Patrick don't.

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