part 15

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Riley POV

The slumber party doesn't start until 5:30 and it's 3:30 Becca wanted o help me but I told I'd do it myself. And if you're wondering no I didn't ask my parents. If my mom found out I was hosting a slumber party she'd be happy and help me. I mean I can be a girly girl just not around her. I called a pizza place and asked for six boxes of pizza one meat lovers, sausage, pepperoni, cheese, Hawaiian, and spinach and chicken. That took me five minutes.

Then I went to the store and bought decorations and more snacks, like hard and chewy candy, soda, popcorn, movies and games that took me twenty minutes. It was 3:55 when I came back home.

I went to my basement thank god there are no insects or cold floors downstairs becauase I have a carpet I moved my instruments to the garage.

I got my sleeping bag and pillow and blankets. I used blankets and sheets to make two forts one side of the room and one on the other.

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It wasn't until 4:30 the pizza came

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It wasn't until 4:30 the pizza came. I set up the food in the middle of the room I also got my speakers from my birthday last year and got my phone. It was about 5:15 I was done with everything so I decided to take a shower and change into my pajamas.

By the time I was done the slumber party started and came Becca, Diana, Sarah, Megan, Elisa, Marie, and Hayley

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By the time I was done the slumber party started and came Becca, Diana, Sarah, Megan, Elisa, Marie, and Hayley. " hey we brought a lot of stuff with us exsept food so where are we sleeping " Hayley said " the basement " I said we went to the basement. " wow Riley you out did yourself " Diana said " yeah well let's get this party started " Hayley said

After watching Friday the thirteenth Diana turned off the movie and went to the bathroom and came back with a

Pete POV

" uuuuuggggggh I'm sooooo board " Joe whined " meee tooooooo " " it's not the same without Riley " " yeah well she's having a sleep over with a whole bunch of girls in pajamas and who are talking about god knows what " I explained " it's nothing new to have a sleepover with girls Riley does it all the time " Joe said " yeah but she needs to spend time with our girls well exsept you, Pete and Andy of course " Patrick said then my phone went off it was Jessica. " hey Donnie our plan is going into play soon as our baby comes Pete and I will be together still and I'll get money out off him like a river " Jessica said I was pissed and hurt so she's been cheating on me this whole time. " yeah you have the wrong number bitch next time you call someone make sure your not talking behind someone's back consider that you and me are done so don't you ever call, talk, or see me again ever we're done! " I yelled into the phone " Pete are you alright? " " I'm gonna go out I'll be back " I said " where are you going dude " " I said out it's none of your business Throman " " Pete he just wants to know-- " " I know what he wants to know and I'm not telling none of you " I said walking our the door.

I didn't know where I'm going but I'm not gonna go home. After a few minutes of walking away from home my phone was ringing. I didn't want to answer and as just as if was on que it started to rain. I am pissed at Jessica yeah I li- love Riley I was hoping to have this baby my parents said it might make me more mature. I was really to excited for the baby too, but for Jessica to buck dial me and have her say that hurt not only that the baby isn't mine. I was crying with tears I'm soaked in water but I don't care I need something to fix me I'm broken.

The only person who can do that is- f" HEY PETE! " a familiar voice shouted at me. I turned to see Riley in her car. She pulled over a few feet in front of me she got out and hugged me. " Patrick, Joe, and Andy called said you were feeling down and now your crying come on and get in my car, we'll talk in there, and you can sleep over with me and the girls by you have to sleep in my room and bed okay? " " yeah " looks like god read my mind. Shit I forgot I'm wet and I can't mess up her car " oh and don't worry I have covered the seat with a bunch of towels " " thanks " I said.

We sat in her car, radio was off, heater was on and she brought pizza for me. She was really pretty when her hair is wet I can see water droplets in her dark brown hair, the water made it look darker. " so what's up Pete " " Jessica cheated on me and so the baby that she's having isn't mine " I said even more tears spilled from me.

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