part 16

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Riley POV

I'm going to kill the bitch. She hurt Pete my best friend I can't believe her even when I started to trust her I was gonna befriend her! Now I'm beyond pissed. I drove me and Pete to my place. As always I have an extra pair of the Boy's clothes don't question it, I just do. When I get in my house Pete automatically goes upstairs and I head down the the basement everything was the way I left it exsept one thing. Jessica was here I was really angry so I am going to try to find my happy place and kindly kick her out my house. " Jessica I don't want to be rude but I want you out my house " I said " why " " for one you weren't invited in by me two I'm not in the buddy buddy terms with you and three I want you out " " Riley Pete just broke up with her she needs a friend and you are the most kind- " " oh but I'm not now Diana oh she and I know why Pete dumped her " " but that's Pete side you don't know if he's ly- " after that statement Diana made me more angry than I was before. " really Diana Pete has been my best friend so I trust him why on earth would he lie to me? " " the same way he lied to you about your boyfriend being a slut " Jessica said " oh he my be a slut but you are no better your a whor " " oh really your slut too then huh? " " no " " well you must be at least I don't make out with other girls boyfriends " " that was a dare " "oh but the second wasn't now who's the slut " okay now I'm set off I'm gonna get her. I started to go at her but strong hands grabbed me. " Riley don't she's pregnant you can't hit her " Pete said " oh I'm not going to hit her I'm gonna drag her the fuck out my house and then kick her ass " I said trying to brake free of Pete but failed " you don't even know what I was going to say Pete let me explain " " I don't give a shit I'm just holding her back so you can get the fuck out " " Pete yes the baby isn't yours "
" oh I knew that " " only because I was... I was.. " " I was what Jessica " " I was raped " and just like that Jessica broke down crying fake tears not real but fake. It was so take that I laughed. " Riley it's not funny " Pete said " you actually believe this bull shit? " " yes I can't believe you Riley laughing at something she can't control " why can't he see that she's pulling the bitch trick on him. " well anyone who believes this story get the fuck out my house anyone who doesn't stay " and with that Diana, Elisa, Pete, and Jessica left. Sarah, Hayley, Megan and Becca stayed. " Riley why is Pete and most of girls leaving? "

Jessica POV

I've still got Pete wrapped around my finger. But that Riley is getting on my last nerve she's always with Pete! And he's always with her! Maybe I should have my brother distract her.

" oh Ryan " I called " yes " " do you want a certain Riley Matthews " " no " " oh please I see the way you look at her and you have her name written all over your song book " " fine what do you want " " keep her distracted and while your doing that she might just fall in love with you and while your doing that find out secrets and give them to me " I explained " no " he said " what why " " Riley hates me and she won't forgive me " " when she sees that she can gain your trust then she'll like you " " okay I'm in but Jess why do you want me to keep her distracted? " " one from Pete and me his love for her is a little deep, two she's always in the way annoying me, and three revenge " " okay so what does Riley being distracted have to do with Pete " he asked I swear sometimes he's dumb. " they already hate you and what you did to Patrick and if Riley befriends you Pete will be jealous of that and so to gat back at her he'll come to me and while Riley is falling in love with you Pete will fall in love with me and because Riley hates me Pete hates you it'll drive a wedg between their friendship " I explained Ryan just nodded and left. I'm a true genius.

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