Chapter 30 - Save Me

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Cristiano approached the warehouse with Justin closely following behind, voices could be heard from inside as Cris turned to Justin signalling for him to stay silent.

The pair crouched down at one of the windows, Cris slowly peeked through  the dusty glass.

Derek was standing with the shopping bags as three men sat around a table playing poker and smoking.

Cristiano looked around, the room was dirty and dingy looking with poor lighting as the air was filled with smoke.

"You guys have to slow down with the vodka" said Derek as he threw the bags on the table

"Just do your job Derek" one of the men replied grabbing a bottle of vodka from the bags.

"Has she been any trouble today?" Asked Derek

"Still hasn't eaten and refuses to speak" the man answered

Cristiano looked to Justin puzzled as Justin shrugged his shoulders.

Derek walked out of the room as Cris turned to Justin "we have to see where he goes" he whispered pointing to the next set of windows

The pair ran to the other end of the building stopping at the window once more as Derek stood in what looked like a hallway, pulling out a set of keys he began to unlock a door.

The footballer ran to the opposite side of the warehouse looking for a window into the room. Looking around he noticed a small window high above him.

Cris desperately looked around for a way to get to the window when Justin appeared with a huge crate, placing it under the window Ronaldo climbed up and was able to stand on a pipe running along the building.

Peeking through the corner of the glass he could see the producer standing over someone curled in the corner "you can't fight it much longer, this is your life now get used to it" he said

There was no reply from the person in the corner. Derek laughed "Well tonight you go to Morocco, you won't get away with this behaviour with the boss. Your here to work and he'll make sure you do" he added before kicking a plate of food towards the corner and turning to leave, giving Cristiano a view of the person huddled in the corner.

It was Taylor.

Cris gasped. "What, what do you see?" Asked Justin

"It's Taylor, she's in there" he replied

Cris gently tapped on the window causing the blonde to look up. Noticing the footballer she jumped to her feet.

Cris signalled for her to keep quiet. "I'm coming to get you" he whispered

Taylor nodded as she ran her hands through her hair, she was so glad to see the portugese. It had been a week and she never thought she would get out of here.

Cristiano jumped down from the window "we have to get in there" he said

"How is she, is she ok?" Asked Justin

"I can't see clearly but she looks ok but we have to get her out of there.....she's being sent to Morocco tonight according to Derek" explained Ronaldo

"Morocco, why?" Asked Justin

"I have no idea but we need to get in there now" answered Cris.

The men began searching around the warehouse for a way in without being noticed.

Suddenly Justin signalled to the footballer as Cris ran to him "look" said the pop star pulling back bushes that were growing up the building to reveal a set of ladders joined to the warehouse.

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