Chapter 29 - Lookout

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The couple pulled up beside Justins car in the parking lot opposite the studio.

Justin climbed into the back of the car as Donna turned to face him "he hasn't come out yet" explained the pop star

"Do you have the necklace?" Asked Donna

Justin fished around in his pocket before pulling out the long silver chain and holding it up.

Donna reached out taking it from him as Cristiano watched on. "It's hers" she said through tears that began to roll down her cheeks

Cris took his girlfriends hand to offer comfort as she held the necklace to her heart. She wasn't sure what it all meant but she knew that Justin finding the necklace could only mean bad things.

"What does it all mean.....why would the producer lie about seeing Taylor?" Asked Donna

Justin shrugged his shoulders  "I have no idea but i know he's hiding something.....he could barely look at me in there"

"So what do we do?" Asked the brunette as her heart raced once more "should we call the police?"

"No, no way." Replied Justin shaking his head "if Derek's hiding something then he'll just be more careful if the police get involved. Let's just watch him......see where he goes, maybe we'll get a clue as to where she is"

"I agree" added Cristiano "we have to find her fast"

Donna looked out of the window at the traffic that whooshed by, people going about their lives while hers stood still. Until Taylor was home safe her life would stop, nothing else mattered except her little girl.

The trio sat in the car for over an hour before anyone left the studio, firstly a group of girls walked out giggling and laughing as Donna watched them wondering if that had been Taylor just a week ago.

Suddenly the studio door opened once more and Justin abruptly sat forward "That's Derek" he said pointing to the tall man that walked from the building.

Donna watched him walk to his black Rolls Royce and get in, a few seconds later the car sprung to life and began to move away.

Cristiano quickly started the car and slowly moved from the parking lot following behind Derek, ensuring to keep a few cars between them so as not to be seen.

Donna took a deep breath as her fingers tingled, anxiety was beginning to rear it's ugly head within her as she thought about what may lie ahead.

Derek Zigged through the traffic as they carefully followed behind. The car was silent as no one talked, not knowing what to say.

Finally he stopped at an all night grocery store, Donna looked at Cristiano "What do we do now?" She asked as Derek entered the store

"You go in after him, he doesn't know what he does, what he buys" replied Cris

"Yea that's a good idea, act cool though" interupted Justin

Donna got out of the car and walked over to the store, taking a deep breath she opened the door and stepped inside trying desperately to look casual.

Making her way around the aisles the brunette finally spotted Derek by the alcohol, the man placed 4 bottles of vodka into his cart that was already stacked with bread and crisps.

Donna moved over next to Derek grabbing a bottle of wine from the shelf as he looked at her. The brunette wanted nothing more than to grab the man and demand to know where her daughter was but instead she smiled politely not wanting to blow her cover.

Derek pushed his cart over to the cashier and began to pay for his items as Donna waited in line behind him. The producer requested 4 cartons of cigarettes before leaving the store.

Donna watched him walk away as she paid for the wine, the smell of his aftershave lingered in the store making the brunette feel sick, it was a musky strong scent that went straight for her head. She didn't know this man but instantly she didn't like him.

Once back inside the car the trio watched as Derek filled his trunk with the shopping before taking off again as they followed behind.

"So what did he buy?" Asked Justin

"He had a whole shopping cart full of bread, crisps and vodka, a very strange shopping list" replied Donna

"Not exactly nutritious meals" added Cristiano

"He also bought 4 cartons of cigarettes" replied the brunette

Justin looked at Donna puzzled

"What?" Asked Donna

"Well Derek doesn't smoke" answered Justin

" Maybe his wife or someone in his family does" added the brunette

"Nah, Derek's not married and he lives alone.......its a lot of stuff to be buying for one person" replied Justin looking concerned

Derek pulled onto the freeway and began to gain speed as Cristiano tried to keep up with him without being seen.

The cars Zigged in and out of the lanes for what felt like an eternity before Justin added " he's not going home anyway"

Donna turned to look at the pop star confused as to what he meant

"He just passed the exit for his house" he said pointing to the last exit off the freeway.

Cristiano looked at his girlfriend trying to gauge what she was thinking, he wanted to know if she was having the same thoughts as him.

The footballer had a heavy feeling building inside wondering what they were going to find, he was scared for his girlfriend. He knew it was killing her not knowing how  or where Taylor was.

Donna stared straight ahead eagerly watching Derek's car, she hoped that following him would give clues as to where Taylor was. She just prayed that wherever her daughter was that she was safe.

A few moments later Derek exited the freeway and turned onto a quiet dimly lit road. Slowing down the trio hung back for a moment so as not to attract attention.

Eventually Cristiano caught up with Derek as they noticed his car parked outside what looked like an old abandoned warehouse.

Cris parked behind some trees and turned off the engine. "What now?" Asked Donna looking between Justin and her boyfriend

"This definitely looks weird" added Justin "I think Ronaldo and I should go have a look around"

"I'm coming too" exclaimed Donna

Cristiano shook his head "no way, we don't know what's in there....please stay here"

"Cris I can't just sit and do nothing, this could be a clue to where Taylor is im coming and that's it" she demanded

Cris turned to his girlfriend "please Donna I can't risk anything happening to you.......We won't be long,just please stay here" he pleaded

The brunette looked at Cris, she could see how worried he was and nodded in agreement.

Ronaldo leaned over and kissed her "I'll be back soon" he whispered before getting out of the car.

Donna watched the two men walk off towards the warehouse until eventually they were out of sight.

The brunette sat back in the seat trying desperately to calm her nerves, she hoped that tonight would give clues as to where Taylor was. She wanted nothing more than to see her daughters face, to hold her and know that she was safe.

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