Chapter 32 - Fast Car

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Donna pulled the car onto the freeway and stepped on the accelerator as she watched the dial hit 100mph. She was determined to lose Derek and his men as she Zigged the car through the traffic.

"Mum they're catching up" squealed Taylor

The brunette looked in the mirror to see the white car gaining on them.pressing harder on the pedal the car sped up "hold on guys" she shouted

Donna sped along the road as the white car came closer with each second.

Suddenly the car jolted forward as Derek slammed his car into the back of them. Donna didn't stop as she pushed down further on the pedal.

Blue lights flashed as they zoomed by a police car but Donna carried on. No one was taking her daughter.

The car hit 130mph as the white car slammed into them once more pushing them forward.

The brunette looked in the mirror. She could see Derek behind the wheel as he grinned at her.

"Look out, the bridge" screamed Taylor from the back seat.

Donna looked ahead. The road bridge was beginning to lift leaving them nowhere else to go but stop.

Justin leaned forward "you can do it" he said.

"No no you can't, don't even think about it" screamed Taylor

Looking straight ahead the brunette ignored her daughter, biting her lip as she grasped the steering wheel. Pushing down on the pedal she said "hold on guys it's about to get bumpy" before pushing forward.

The bridge moved up higher as the car sped towards it as it began to go up the hill on one sid of the bridge. Donna knew she had to gain enough speed to get them over to the other side, if not then they would fall into the water below.

The bridge kept rising higher as the car reached the end of the road and began to lift off the ground.

Donna screamed as they flew through the air for what felt like forever.

Suddenly they hit the ground with a crash as the front of the car hit the road, bouncing back up the car slid along the road for a few metres before coming to a stop.

Donna fell back into the seat, she couldn't believe they had made it as she looked in the mirror to watch the bridge rise higher.

A few seconds later the white car came flying over the bridge hitting the ground head on as it smashed into the road.

Blue lights flashed, Sirens wailed as they were suddenly surrounded by police cars.

They all got out of the car as the police approached them.

Noticing Justin immediately the officers backed off giving the pop star a chance to explain what had happened.

Donna looked over to the white car where officers where pulling Derek from the wreckage, one of the men was already in handcuffs being led away when suddenly the policemen ran from the vehicle as it burst into flames.

The force of the explosion threw the brunette back slightly as she fell against the car.

Cristiano fell to the ground banging his head hard against the concrete.

"Cris" screamed Donna as she crawled towards his body that lay lifeless in a heap.

Lifting his head onto her lap she stroked his face "Cris c'mon please wake up" she begged as his head fell to one side

An officer ran over to help, putting his fingers against the footballers neck "his pulse is very weak we need to get him to a hospital now" he shouted

Donna sobbed "please baby, don't leave me, hang on please" while rubbing his hair.

Taylor joined her mother at Cristiano's side, taking his hand "you can't leave us" she said as she watched Donna cry.

Justin pulled out his phone and called for a helicopter to take Cris to the hospital. It was beginning to get light and he knew that there was no way they would get him to hospital in time in the busy LA morning traffic.

Within minutes the whirring of the helicopter blades Could be heard above them and seconds later Cristiano was being lifted from the ground onto a stretcher.

Donna took his hand as she followed him into the aircraft "please save him" she begged the paramedics.

"We'll meet you at the hospital" shouted Taylor to her mother. The blonde hated to see her mum so upset, she just hoped Cristiano pulled through.

As the helicopter took flight Donna looked down. The scene on the ground was like something from a movie with the squad of police cars, the burning car and now the helicopter. She could see paparazzi beginning to swarm the place.

Turning to her boyfriend, she watched his body lie lifeless on the stretcher as the paramedics rushed around him inserting tubes into him as the oxygen mask covered his mouth.

The footballers face was badly bruised and swollen but to her he still looked as beautiful as the first time she met him.

Donna prayed that he would pull through, this man had brought something special to her life, something she never knew existed, that something was unconditional love.

Ronaldo had risked his own life to save her daughter and she knew she could never thank him enough, the only thing she could do was love him unconditionally.

The brunette kissed Cristiano's hand. This man was her life and she needed him to be ok.

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