Chapter 7 - Decisions

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"Mum this is an excellent opportunity for both of'd be mad to turn it down" exclaimed Taylor to her mother

"I'm just worried about leaving our lives here" she answered.
Donna had been discussing the offer from Cristiano with her daughter for the past hour.

She knew it was a really good offer but it was a huge decision to abandon their lives in Glasgow to start anew somewhere else.

"This is win win for everyone. I get to study abroad and you get to be right there with me" stated Taylor
"Plus your always complaining about the British weather" she added laughing.

The pair had gone to their favourite bar for dinner to discuss the offer. They were sharing a pepperoni pizza although Donna was only nibbling, she had too much on her mind.

She always worried if the decisions she made were the right ones but this offer was the biggest decision of her life so far.

"I wonder if they have pizza as good as this in Madrid" Donna asked trying to lighten her nerves.

"I'm sure they do" laughed Taylor "Anyway if they don't you could just ask Ronaldo to fly some in for you" she teased

Donna threw a slice of pepperoni at her daughter "funny"

"Don't be so scared, take a risk. You never know it might be the best decision you ever make"

Donna looked at her daughter, she couldn't believe how grown up she was.

She was supposed to be the mother but yet here she was getting advice from her daughter.

"You would be working for a huge star, it can only do great things for your career" added Taylor

"I spose" mumbled Donna

"I know you will make the right decision. Just go with your heart" Taylor hugged her mum and Donna hugged her back even tighter.

The journey home was silent. Donna couldn't stop thinking about the offer. She wondered why it was given to her, why did Cristiano seek her out for the job?

Thinking back to the call with Jorge she remembered that he said Cristiano had been impressed with her assistance on the shoot. She hadn't done much to impress anyone.

Suddenly she had a realisation. She swore the pair had a moment before he left the studio.

Did he want to sleep with her and this is why he had offered the job.

Donna knew that Ronaldo could get any woman he wanted, did he want her and when he was done he would just fire her and leave her miles from home.

She wasn't the type of girl who just slept around, huge star or not.

Maybe the offer wasn't so great after all she wondered.

That night Donna went to bed thinking that she was going to turn down the offer.

She wasn't about to sell her body to some guy with a huge ego.


The next morning Donna was so busy with work that she somehow managed to put Cristiano and his offer to the back of her mind.

That was until the phone rang.

"Hello Jason Hadley studios, Donna speaking"

"Hello Donna, it's Jorge Mendes"

Donna froze

"I was just wondering if you had made a decision yet. I know we agreed you would let us know by tonight....its just Cristiano needs someone to start immediately. We don't want to keep him waiting"

No pressure then thought Donna. Who does Cristiano think he is that he can't wait she scoffed to herself

"Actually I have decided and I'm sorry but I just can't leave everything here"

"I understand but we would make it very worth your while, you would not be disappointed I can assure you.....I'm sending you an email right now with details of the salary. Have a look and tell me what you think"

Donna loaded up her email account, she felt it was pointless though, she had made up her mind and nothing was going to change it now.

She clicked on the little yellow envelope and the first thing she noticed was the huge figure staring back at her.

It was more money than she would ever earn staying here.

She swallowed hard and whispered "wow"

"I see your impressed, does that help sway your decision" asked Jorge

Donna realised what this money could do for her and her daughter, also the boost for her career would be amazing.

She knew what she had to do.

"Tell Cristiano my answer is yes"
She spat it out before she could change her mind again.

"Very wise Donna. The job has many perks you'll see" said Jorge

"Yes I'm sure it does" she answered thinking that she was not going to be one of Ronaldos perks of the job.

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