Chapter 1 - Assist.....

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Great, she thought, how was she going to carry everything. Today was only her third day in the temp job.

Donna had spent years studying business and administration at university and had recently graduated, she was so keen to get into the workplace that she had immediately signed with an agency that helped place graduates in suitable jobs.

Nothing permanent had come up yet so when Jess from the agency had called to say there was a temp position with a photographer she had jumped at it.

Yea it wasn't the job she had dreamed of but it was experience and she needed the money, her savings weren't going to last forever.

The job was PA to a photographer so how difficult could it be she had wondered , after all she was trained for more.

That was her train of thought until the first day on the actual job. Jason the photographer was very demanding and moody.

He wanted everything yesterday and it had to be perfect as Donna was quickly learning after a few screams from him.

Today there was a big shoot on, it was a billboard campaign for shoes or something, some details in yesterday's meeting were missed as she was too busy taking note of all Jasons demands for himself and the star of the shoot, she daren't risk another bawling from her boss.

She presumed the star was some stuck up pretentious model, wasn't it always?

Stopping in at the local Starbucks to pick up Jasons latte, or rather pumpkin spiced soy latte crap that he insisted on, he said since it was October he was getting in the Halloween spirit.

To Donna it was just another opportunity for her to get something wrong, she swore he hated her already and was deliberately being obtuse.

The barista called out, "Laura" nodding over to her. Walking over to the counter thinking another person getting her name wrong, boy she hated her name, even the sound of it made her cringe.

It was only 5 minutes ago she had stated her name and already the barista had forgotten either that or she hadn't listened, it was the story of her life.

Taking the cup in one hand and trying desperately to juggle it along with the mountain of other items she was carrying.

How much did one guy need to take a few photos she thought.

Having already picked up a box of donuts from Jasons favourite deli, a huge piece of camera equipment from the repair shop that was packaged in the most obnoxious box she'd ever seen, along with her own bag and paperwork. she made her way along the busy city centre street, zig zagging through the crowds, which were made up of mostly rude people who could see her coming but refused to move.

After what felt like an eternity to her aching arms she reached the door to the studio and pushed it open using her back. Laughter and chatter echoed around the room as she entered but no one bothered to come to the rescue.

Donna made her way to the back of the studio and into the tiny kitchen space, dumping all the packages on the counter and reaching for a dish to display the donuts.

Jason liked them arranged neatly on a fancy platter and she didn't want to disappoint again, she felt like she couldn't do anything right in this job.

Uni had seemed so easy compared to her dictator's, sorry boss's demands.

"If it suits your schedule I would really like that lens now, these photos won't take themselves sweetie" came the shrill sarcastic voice from the studio.

Donna tried not to grit her teeth at the sound of Jasons voice, she really wanted to tell him where to stick his lens but she wasn't about to lose her first proper job, she wasn't a quitter.

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