Chapter 35 - Home

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The couple had been back in Madrid for nearly a week, Donna had spent everynight in Cristiano's bed unable to keep their hands off each other.

They hadn't officially moved in together yet as all of the brunettes things were still in the guest house, Cristiano had urged his girlfriend to move them into the main house and today was finally moving day.

"This feels so weird" exclaimed Donna as she packed away her clothes

Taylor looked at her mother "you're not having second thoughts are you?" She asked

The brunette shook her head "Well maybe a little" she finally admitted

"Why? You love Cristiano and he adores you. What are you so scared of?" Asked the blonde

"I've never had a successful relationship before, what if we're moving too fast and we destroy it" replied Donna

Taylor rushed to her mother's side pulling her into a hug "this time it's real love, Cristiano's a good guy and he just wants to make you happy, no one else has done that......its going to be ok"

"It's going to be amazing" said Cristiano walking into the room

Taylor left the room leaving her mother alone with the footballer

Ronaldo took his girlfriends hands as he stared into her eyes "it's going to be amazing because we are amazing" he said before planting a kiss on her lips

Donna smiled she wanted nothing more than for things to work out between her and Cristiano. He was the love of her life and made her so happy, it was just nerves she told herself.


Donna awoke to Cristiano kissing her neck as he lay close behind her, his warm body pressed against was an amazing feeling to wake up to.

The sun streamed through the window illuminating the whole room.the brunette melted under his kisses as his hands wrapped around her waist.

"I think we should announce our relationship to the press today" he stated

Donna flipped around to face the footballer "do we have to?" She asked "I don't want to be in the spotlight again"

"Don't worry it'll be news for 5 minutes then they'll move on....they've been camped outside since we came home, if we give them something then they'll leave" added Cristiano

It was true the press hadn't given up since they had found out about Derek and LA. It had been a media frenzy outside of the gates and Donna hated it but she knew Cristiano was right. She just hated being known.

"Ok we can tell everyone" said the brunette reluctantly

Cristiano smiled "I want the world to know we're together" he said before kissing her passionately as he pulled her on top of him.


Donna squeezed her boyfriends hand as they walked towards the gates. "Don't worry its going to be ok" said Cristiano trying to reassure his girlfriend.

Pressing the button on the remote the gates slowly began to open as the paparazzi ran towards the couple.

Cristiano raised his hand signalling for them not to take pictures. "We have an announcement we thought you would be interested" he said

"Ok tell us then" shouted one pap

"Well we are now a couple and have decided to live together. Donna will still be my PA but now she was also be my girlfriend" stated Cristiano looking pleased as he put his arm around the brunettes waist pulling her close to his side.

Donna stood smiling nervously as the cameras began to flash. She was uncomfortable being in the spotlight but knew that it was something she had to do so the couple could have peace.

"Will you be getting married"

"Donna are you pregnant?" Shouted the paps

The brunette looked at Cristiano for help, noticing her discomfort the footballer answered for her "we won't be answering anymore questions at this time" he said

"Can we have a picture of you kissing your new girlfriend?" Asked one of the paps

Cristiano smiled " I'm sure we can do that for you guys" he replied turning to the brunette, taking her in his arms he leaned down planting a soft kiss on his girlfriends lips.

Donna closed her eyes as she responded to his kiss, the cameras clicked frantically in front of them as some of the paps whistled at the show of affection. The brunette could feel her face redden. She wasn't used to public displays of affection but Cristiano didn't seem to mind.

A few seconds later Donna pulled back as Cristiano brushed hair from her face, staring into her eyes with the biggest smile painted across his face. The brunette couldn't help but smile too at how happy her boyfriend was.

The cameras kept on flashing as the couple turned around and made their way back into the garden hand in hand.

It was done, the news was out there and very soon the whole world would know they were together. Donna wanted to be happy about it but something inside wouldn't let her settle.

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